December 2024


IRDES events, conferences and seminars

11th IRDES-LIRAES Workshop on Applied Health Economics and Policy Evaluation

The 11th International Workshop on Applied Health Economics and Policy Evaluation, organized by IRDES and the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Applied Research in Health Economics & Management (LIRAES), will take place in Paris, France, on June 16th-17th 2025. The workshop aims to stimulate innovative empirical work on public policy evaluation and covers a wide range of topics including equity in health and healthcare, public and private health insurance, healthcare financing and payment mechanisms, implications of variations in medical practice, supply and organisation of care.

Deadline for papers submission: January 17th, 2025
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3 questions to…

Coralie Gandré (IRDES), following the publication of the Issues in Health Economics (292): "Bridging the Gap. The Involvement of Community-based Specialty Mental Health Services in Primary Care: Lessons from the Behavioral Health Home Model in the U.S. for the Integrated Care of Serious Mental Illness in France", written with Beth McGinty.

1. Why did you choose to study the Medicaid Behavioral Health Home (BHH) model developed in the United States over the past ten years?
2. Could you describe the BHH model and the main results of its evaluations?
3. What are the main lessons for France?
 Read the interview


Basic pay for medical interns in France and Germany compared with the average wage (amounts at 1 July 2022)


IRDES publishing

Bridging the Gap. The Involvement of Community-based Specialty Mental Health Services in Primary Care: Lessons from the Behavioral Health Home Model in the U.S. for the Integrated Care of Serious Mental Illness in France
Gandré C. (IRDES), McGinty B. (Weill Cornell Medicine, USA)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé), n° 292. September 2024

Individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) constitute a specific population with complex physical health needs that remain inadequately addressed, as evidenced by their striking and persistent excess mortality. This situation suggests an inadequacy of existing care delivery models that requires critical transformations to address the fragmentation of somatic and mental healthcare. A possible approach is reverse integrated care systems that deliver or coordinate primary care within community-based specialty mental health (…). The United States is unique in its adoption of this approach over the last ten years as part of the Medicaid behavioral health home model supported by the Affordable Care Act. This issue brief presents the lessons to be learned from evaluations of this model in real-world settings. (…) Some positive impacts have been demonstrated, including more frequent use of primary care and improved detection and monitoring of physical health conditions and their risk factors. However, (…) this type of model requires support through the development of financing models that encourage collaboration and shared responsibility between mental and somatic care professionals, through building workforce capacity within community-based specialty mental health services and through investing in data infrastructure for the collection and exchange of health data. These findings offer valuable insight for France, where similar local initiatives are emerging within CMPs.
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The Entrepreneurial Role of Doctors in the Transformation of Primary Healthcare. An Analysis of the Conditions of the Private Project Leaders' Participation in the IPEP and PEPS Experiments

Schlegel V. (IRDES, Cresppa-CSU)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 273. December 2022

The two five-year pilot programs introduced in Article 51 of the 2018 Social Security Funding Act (Loi de Financement de la Sécurité Sociale, LFSS) -one with additional performance-type payment to improve coordination between hospital and primary care (IPEP, Incitation à une prise en charge partagée), and another one with a lump sum payment scheme for primary care teams for GPs and nurses (PEPS, Paiement en équipe de professionnels de santé en ville)-, allow for pilot experiment that derogate from standard funding and organizational rules for health care delivery organisations. (…) Anchored in the sociological part of the programme of assessment of the experiments aimed at finding alternatives to fee-for-service payments in the context of Article 51 (Évaluation d'expérimentations Article 51 de rémunération alternative à l'acte, Era2), this study is based on interviews conducted with private doctors designated as IPEP or PEPS project leaders. Focusing on their professional careers enables us to understand how they have helped them to take such opportunities and meet the demands of the public authorities.
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Faisabilité d'identification des personnes à risque de handicap (Fish) à partir des données du Système national des données de santé (SNDS). Méthodes et résultats de l'algorithme sur les troubles psychiques, intellectuels ou cognitifs (Pic)

Feasibility of identifying people at risk of disability (FISH) using data from the National Health Data System (SNDS). Methods and results of the algorithm for psychic, intellectual or cognitive disorders (PIC)

Espagnacq M., Regaert C. (IRDES), in collaboration with Sermet C., Daniel F. (IRDES)
Irdes Reports (Rapports de l’Irdes), n° 592. September 2024

This second report on the methodology developed to create an indicator to identify people with limitations in their daily activity based on their healthcare consumption, Feasibility of identifying people at risk of disability (FISH), focuses on the algorithm identifying limitations caused by psychic, intellectual or cognitive disorders (PIC), based on the National Health Data System (Système national des données de santé, SNDS). (...) From 2012 to 2019, the algorithm identifies 4.5 million people with a proven limitation as a result of a PIC disorder in 2019, i.e. around 6.6% of the population identified in the SNDS and alive in 2019. The majority of people identified have mental disorders alone (2.8 million) or mental disorders accompanied by intellectual or cognitive disorders (1.3 million), and only 266,000 have exclusively intellectual or cognitive disorders.
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Other IRDES researcher's publications (in English)

Pediatric hospitalizations and emergency department visits related to mental health conditions and self-harm.
Valtuille Z., Trebossen V., Ouldali N., Bourmaud A., Gandré C., Aupiais C., Katsahian S., Delorme R., Peyre H., Kaguelidou F., JAMA Netw Open. 2024; 7(10):e2441874.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on lung cancer diagnoses and mortality: A nationwide study in France.
Poucineau J., Khlat M., Lapidus N., Chouaïd C., Espagnacq M., Delory T., Le Cœur S. Cancer Epidemiology. Vol. 93, n° 102679, 2024/12.

Rationalization of the healthcare provision and mobility.
Lucas-Gabrielli V., Mangeney C. In Mobilité quotidienne et santé, sous la dir de Vallée J. ISTE Group, chap. 7, 2024/10, 199-229.

International comparison of hospitalizations and emergency department visits related to mental health conditions across high-income countries before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bowden N., Hedquist A., Dai D., Abiona O., Bernal-Delgado E., Blankart C.R., Cartailler J., Estupiñán-Romero F., Haywood P., Or Z., Papanicolas I., Stafford M., Wyatt S., Sund R., Uwitonze J.P., Wodchis W.P., Gauld R., Vu H., Sawaya T., Figueroa J.F. Health Services Research, en ligne 01/10/2024.
(Catégorie 2 - CNRS) - (Cat. A - Hcérès)

Do behavioral characteristics influence the breast cancer diagnosis delay? Evidence from french retrospective data.
Le Clainche C., Marsaudon A., Rochaix L., Haon B., Vergnaud J.-C. Value in health. Vol.27, n° 10, 2024/10, 1408-1416.
(Catégorie 2 - CNRS) - (Cat. A - Hcérès)

Adaptation of French general practitioners for the management of nursing home patients during COVID-19 in 2020: A multilevel analysis.
Orcel V., Bouchez T., Ramond-Roquin A., Bourgueil Y., Renard V., Gautier S., Breton J.-L. BMC Primary Care. Vol.25, n° 350, 2024/09.

Patients like any others? Providing coverage to undocumented migrants in France: effects on access to care and usual source of care.
Marsaudon A., Jusot F., Wittwer J., Dourgnon P. European Journal of Public Health. 2024/09.
(Catégorie 3 - CNRS) - (Cat. B - Hcérès)

Did the COVID-19 pandemic reshape equity in healthcare use in Europe?
Arnault L., Jusot F., Renaud T. Social Science & Medicine, vol. 358, 2024/08.
(Catégorie 1 - CNRS) - (Cat. A - Hcérès)

La complémentaire santé : acteurs, bénéficiaires, garanties - Edition 2024.
Bithorel P.-L., Cometx R., Dauphant F., Desjonquères A., Williencourt C., Ducoulombier A., Durand F., Guilloton V., Lapinte A., Maugendre E., Pierre A., Poulon P., Solotareff R., Troy L. Panoramas de la Drees, 2024/07, 263 p.

A novel approach to the epidemiology of people living with spinal cord injuries in France based on an original algorithm from public health insurance data.
Duchaine F., Espagnacq M., Bensmail D., Regaert C., Denys P., Levy J. Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health. Vol. 72-n° 5, 2024/08.

Can revenue collection for public funding in health care be progressive? An assessment of 29 countries.
Rice T., Vrangbæk K., Saunes I-S., Bouckaert N., Bryndová L., Cascini F., Võrk A., Dimova A., Kocot E., Murauskiene L., Bricard D., Blumel M., Gaál P., Pažitný P. Health Policy, Vol. 148, 2024/08.
(Catégorie 2 - CNRS) - (Cat. A - Hcérès)


Watch on Health Economics Literature

Produced by the IRDES documentation centre, Watch on Health Economics Literature, a monthly publication, presents by theme the latest articles and reports in health economics: both peer-reviewed and grey literature.

- November 2024

- October 2024

- September 2024

- July-August 2024

English-French Glossary of Health Economics Terms

This online edition of the English-French Glossary of terms, concepts and acronyms in health economics has been reviewed and expanded by the IRDES Publications and Documentation teams. In addition to terms from specialized Anglo-Saxon journals, this edition is based on the English translations of IRDES thematic syntheses, Issues in Health Economics, and on the keywords of the MeSH thesaurus (Medline). It also includes a thematic section that classifies the translated terms according to the disciplines involved (economics, sociology, geography, etc.). The translation of French Institutions on Public Health into English is now integrated into the part: Sigles - Institutions.

The Glossary is updated regularly.

Getting information on Public Health in France and in Europe


Health Address Book


Next Letter: June 2025

See previous Letters

Newsletter realized by A. Marek and A. Evans, diffusion R. Ndoye, graphical and technical design A. Sirvain, web development J. Harrouin
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