Basic pay for medical interns in France and Germany compared with the average wage (amounts at 1 July 2022)
September 2024
Indicators of the quality of breast cancer care pathways for women with or without severe mental illness
September 2023
Access to healthcare services and length of coverage by State Medical Aid
July 2023
Annual out-of-pocket payments of the beneficiaries of the Disabled Adult Allowance (AAH) without complementary health insurance, depending on whether or not they have a long-term illness (ALD) scheme
October 2022
Factors associated with the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in France
April 2022
Location of traumatic events experienced by undocumented immigrants in France ("Premiers Pas" ("First Steps") survey)
March 2022
Alcohol consumption profiles according to educational level, age and gender, 2014 (%)
January 2022
Readmission rates for older adults hospitalized for heart failure who also have diabetes
November 2021
Jobs held in France by undocumented immigrants
December 2020
Associations between the presence of a severe mental disorder and the use of preventive healthcare, of GP healthcare, standard specialist healthcare and hospital admissions
September 2020
Factors linked to the onset of psychological distress during the first lockdown linked to the Covid-19 outbreak
June 2020
Access to State Medical Aid
(AME) is lower for undocumented immigrants in highly
precarious situations
February 2020
Percentage of undocumented immigrants in France covered by State Medical Aid (AME, Aide médicale de l'Etat)
December 2019
Use of psychotropic drugs among employees whose company conducted a mass layoff and those whose company did not
May 2019
Patients hospitalized for a first episode of stroke in France in 2012
March 2019
Evolution of health care expenditure and utilization among CMU-C beneficiaries between 2011 and 2014
December 2018
Percentage of premature deaths among deaths in 2014, according to the diagnosis groups treated
September 2018
Evolution of the rates of treatment in stroke units and intensive care units among stroke patients, 2010-2014
July 2018
Evolution in the number of nurses, general practitioners and medical practices participating in the ASALEE experimental project (Team Health Project in Private Practice) between 2004 and 2017
April 2018
Evolution of financial incentives to firms aimed at curbing occupational risks, following reforms of 2010 and 2017
March 2018
Activity limitations and use of care or home help services among people aged 65 or more, according to income (France, 2014)
February 2018
Complementary health insurance according to employment status (France, 2014)
January 2018
Disparities in the use of Pap tests among women aged 25 to 65…
… according to age
… according to level of qualification
December 2017
2012-2016 evolution of the share of inpatients receiving compulsory psychiatric treatment: focus on solitary confinement and compulsory measures lifted by the Judge of Freedom and Detention
November 2017
Frequency of the reporting of depressive symptoms…
… in European countries
… according to the socio-professional category in France
October 2017
Types of ambulatory care use and medicine delivery prior to a first-time hospitalization for depression
September 2017
Use rates of obesity surgery by departement in 2014 (standardised by sex and age, and for 100,000 inhabitants)
June 2017
Use rates of the sentinel lymph node technique among breast cancer patients in 2012
May 2017
Households' contribution to the financing of mandatory and supplementary health insurance, households' out-of-pocket spending
April 2017
Individuals reporting a 'fair', 'poor' or 'very poor' health status according to the occupational category of the household reference person
March 2017
Rates of compulsory psychiatric care use for 100,000 inhabitants aged 16 or more, by department of residence (France, 2015)
February 2017
Distances traveled to access chemotherapy care (France, 2012)
January 2017
Variations in use rates to different medical procedures (France, 2014)
December 2016
Ambulatory care use rates to the nearest physician, according to level of Localized potential accessibility (LPA) [France, 2010]
November 2016
Average distances travelled to seek ambulatory care according to the level of Local Potential Accessibility (LPA)
October 2016
Composition of out-of-pocket hospital care spending according to income (France, 2010)
September 2016
Health variables according to profiles of people bearing the highest out-of-pocket costs in 2010
July 2016
Expenditure by type of outpatient care among people aged 65 and over living at home - metropolitan France, 2012
June 2016
Impact of charging occupational musculoskeletal disorders to establishment accounts on the number of absence days due to these disorders
May 2016
Proportion of elderly people aged 75 and over living on their own in 2011
April 2016
Use of hospital-at-home care among seniors (France, 2012)
March 2016
Frailty index distribution (Fried phenotype) in people aged 50 or over without limitations in activities of daily living (France, 2011)
February 2016
Marital status in 2006 among unmarried tetraplegic individuals, whether or not they lived at the parental home in 1995
January 2016
Percentages of individuals receiving cumulative or continuous polypharmacy, taking into account fixed dose drug combinations and three-month packagings (France, 2013)
December 2015
Average number of GP home visits per senior population, by region (2012)
November 2015
Breakdown of total medical consumption in France in 2014, by individual in current euros
October 2015
Use of hospital emergency services not followed by inpatient stays (France, 2012)
September 2015
Simulation of the rates of persons without health insurance, after generalization of employer-sponsored health insurance, and according to income by consumption unit (France, 2012)
July 2015
Probability of seeking routine and preventive care among persons with disability living in institutions or at home (before and after data matching)
June 2015
Modalities of treatment in health establishments of patients treated for schizophrenic disorders in 2011
May 2015
Probability for executives and non-executives of taking at least one sick leave, according to waiting period
April 2015
Hospitalisation without consent: Treatment modalities among psychiatric patients France, 2012)
March 2015
Rates of psychiatric hospitalisation per 100,000 inhabitants aged 16 and over (France)
February 2015
Evolution of work-related injuries and absence days due to injuries between 1985 and 2010
January 2015
Geographical disparities in the use of long-term psychiatric inpatient care, according to health territories, France 2011
November 2014
Evolution of the ways of funding consumption of medical goods and services between 2006 and 2013 (in billions of euros)
Evolution of the share of multiple-source statin prescriptions among all statin prescriptions between 2002 and 2011, France
September 2014
Unmet needs for financial reasons, according to type of care and health insurance situation (France, 2012)
July 2014
Share of disabled persons by brackets of income per consumption unit in 2008 (France)
June 2014
Standardized rates (by age) for prostactectomy in France 2009, by departments
May 2014
Reasons the targeted population in Lille do not apply for the subsidising scheme for acquiring a complementary health insurance (France, 2009)
April 2014
Diversities of modalities of care for involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations (France, 2010)
March 2014
Main diagnoses among full-time psychiatric in-patients, according to legal status
February 2014
Prevalences of frequent binge drinking and frequent intoxication reported over the last 12 months among the youth in France (2007)
January 2014
Readmission rates among patients treated for depression, by type of health care facilities
December 2013
Distribution of physicians by type of practice, France 2013
November 2013
Breakdown of social protection benefits in 2011 by type of risk
October 2013
Evolution of hospital service production before and after the introduction of activity-based payment
September 2013
Specialisation of hospital services production according to French regions (2009)
July 2013
Evolution of full inpatient stays in surgery by type of health facilities
June 2013
Shares of consultations with GPs and specialists (psychiatrists, ophalmologists, gynaecologists, others) in France between 1980 and 2010
May 2013
The evolution of inequalities in doctor use (in number of consultations)
April 2013
Rates of change in the number of lung, kidney, liver and heart transplant recipients between 1998 and 2010 (France)
March 2013
Employees' opinions on the coverage levels of group complementary health contracts
February 2013
Hospital Adverse events: the example of postoperative pulmonary embolisms in Europe in 2009
January 2013
Consultations, house calls and technical procedures delivered by self-employed GPs and specialists – Evolution 1980-2010 (France)
December 2012
Social benefit expenditure of French departements, evolution between 1996 and 2009
November 2012
Price difference (expressed in daily treatment costs) between me-too drugs and first-in-class according to their therapeutic class (France, 2009)
October 2012
Socio-professional characteristics of group complementary health insurance policyholders, France 2009
September 2012
Health status according to type of employment contract (permanent versus temporary)
July 2012
Employment and job satisfaction rates in seniors aged 50-64, with or without disabilities, in Europe
June 2012
Distribution of beneficiaries of social benefits for elderly dependents, by type of benefit in France in 2009
May 2012
Health sectors according to Regional Strategic Health Plan (SROS)-Regional Health Project (PRS) in 2011
April 2012
A New Measure of Accessibility to Self-Employed GPs: The Local Indicator of Potential Accessibility
March 2012
Evolution of the provision of residential care facilities for handicapped adults in France between 1993 and 2001
February 2012
Excess costs and increase in length of stay by hospital adverse events in 2007
January 2012
Evolution rates of foregone medical care among beneficiaries of CMU-C
and private supplementary insurance, France 1998-2008
December 2011
Share of short inpatient stays (medicine-surgery-obstetrics) in people aged 65
and over, France 2009
November 2011
Prescription rates of antibiotics, antitussives and other bronchodilators before and after delisting and reduced reimbursement of March 1st, 2006
October 2011
Average travel time to the nearest self-employed ophtalmologist on January 1st, 2007 (metropolitan France)
September 2011
Main causes for short-stay hospitalizations (general medicine, surgery and obstetrics) in France 2009
July 2011
General practitioner accessibility in 15 minutes in metropolitan France (January 2007)
June 2011
Evolution of social protection benefits
May 2011
Distribution of 14 health professions according to gender and type of practice. France 2010
April 2011
Proportion of persons non covered by a supplementary health cover, according to professional status and employment situation (France 2008)
March 2011
Self-reported diseases by men and women, among asthmatics and non-asthmatics
February 2011
Comparison of the evolution of inpatient hospitalization and of its alternatives (France, 2000-2008)
January 2011
Share of hospital care in health care consumption (medical goods and services) [2009]
December 2010
Evolution of group practice rates among private GPs between 1998 and 2009 in France
November 2010
Number of diseases and prescription medication, according to the age of the respondents declaring at least one chronic condition. France métropolitaine, 2008
October 2010
Rates of Unmet Needs for Medical Care in 2008
September 2010
Distribution of health insurance cover in France by occupation and type of provider in 2008 (CMU-C beneficiaries excluded)
July 2010
Impact of different levels of financial aid on the share of individuals who take out a €50 private supplementary health cover, according to their income group
June 2010
Evolution of the number of occupational accidents, commuting accidents and occupational diseases having resulted in sickness absences, France 1984-2008
May 2010
Percentage of beneficiaries of the old-age pension* in 2007, among those aged 60 and over
April 2010
Probability of Taking out the MGET Additional Health cover at the Second Semesters of 2003 and 2004, According to Age
March 2010
Distribution over French departments of Personal Independance Allowance beneficiaries aged 60 years old and over (France, 2008)
February 2010
Readmission and Mortality Rates at 30 Days and Short Stay Activity for Eight In-Hospital Treatments (France, 2006).
January 2010
Pathways to retirement in Europe between 2004 and 2006 : an explanation of inter-country variations.
December 2009
Immigrants' self-perceived health status and access to care in France, 2002-2003.
November 2009
Typology of adult psychiatry sectors, France, 2003.
October 2009
Percentage of physicians refusing to accept patients with a low income-tested health cover, results from a single-blind survey of discrimination in Paris.
September 2009
Distribution of health expenditure according to the International Classification of Diseases chapters. Comparison between Germany, Australia, Canada, France and the Netherlands.
July 2009
Social benefit expenditure of French departements, evolution between 1996 and 2007
June 2009
Evolution of selected medical and health professionals other than physicians in the past 10 years (1999 =100), France
May 2009
Share of physicians 55 years old and over in France, evolution between 2000 and 2007
April 2009
Care pathways for patients hospitalized at home in France, 2006
March 2009
Prevalence of current and cumulative asthma. 1998-2006 Evolution - France
February 2009
Evolution of the number of CMU-C (Free-of-charge supplementary health insurance for the lowest income people) beneficiaries, by type of health insurance provider, France 2000-2006
January 2009
Causes of premature deaths for men and women, France 2005
December 2008
Social protection benefits by type of risk - France 2000-2007
November 2008
Evolution of expenditure on health care and medical goods since 1959 (as share of GDP) - France
October 2008
Modes of referral for medical specialties where direct access (self referral) decreased considerably between 2004 and 2006, results from French Health, Health Care and Insurance survey - France
September 2008
Deviation from the National Objective of Health Insurance Expenditure in 2008 - France
July 2008
Proportion of persons without supplementary health coverage by income per consumption unit - France 2006
June 2008
Expenditure on prevention in France in 2002 by nature of the preventive action
May 2008
Percentage of income spent on a complementary health insurance - France
April 2008
Age-sex structure of medical practictioners in activity in 2000 and in 2006 - France
March 2008
Alcohol consumption profiles by socioprofessional categories - France
February 2008
Monthly rate evolution of consultations with prescription of mucolytics and expectorants, before and after the dereimbursement of March 1, 2006 - France
January 2008
Proportion of general practitioners working in group practice (estimation)
December 2007
Evolution of the number of sick leave days paid by health insurance per employed person versus unemployment rates between 1970 and 2004
November 2007
Evolution of social security budget deficit by major schemes, 2004-2007
October 2007
Cost of obesity in France for the Health insurance (estimation 2002, ESPS 2002)
September 2007
Situation of the insured in 2006 with respect to the attending physician - France
July 2007
Prevalence of diseases and health problems according to gender - France
June 2007
Density of doctors and increase of medical students quota (numerus clausus ) - France
May 2007
Percentage of workers aged 55-65 reporting good health according to 3 dimensions of working conditions - France
April 2007
Leading causes of death in specified age groups in 2003 - France
March 2007