October 2017
*The 'European Union' average is calculated from data from 26 countries - among the 28 EU countries -, for which data on depressive symptoms is available (Belgium and the Netherlands not included).
Reading: In France, 7.0% of the population had depressive symptoms. The European average is 6.7% (average weighted in accordance with the population of each country).
Scope: People aged 15 or over living in private households in mainland France. Source: Eurostat, EHIS, 2014.
Reading: 13.6% of people aged 15 or over living in households in which the reference person was a commercial employee had depressive symptoms. With a comparable age and gender structure, the proportion of people who had depressive symptoms among people living in commercial employee households was 1.6 times that observed in the entire population.
Scope: People aged 15 or over living in private households in mainland France.
Source: EHIS-ESPS 2014, Drees-Irdes.
These charts are taken from Questions d'économie de la santé n° 223 : « État de santé des Français et facteurs de risque. Premiers résultats de l'Enquête santé européenne-Enquête santé et protection sociale 2014 », Jacques Pisarik and Thierry Rochereau, in collaboration with Nicolas Célant, March 2017.