The international research projects in which IRDES is involved are presented below. The partnerships and networks to which the Institute collaborates are accessible through the opposite entries.
A thematic search is also available.
Collaboration: 31 partners, 16 countries
Partners "Work package 12": Medical University of Vienna: Hofmarcher M. ; Technical University of Berlin: Busse R. ; Imperial College in London: Smith P.
Implementation deadline: 2015-2017
Implementation deadline: 2017-2018
Funding: The Commonwealth Fund's Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice, year 2015-2016
Implementation deadline: 2015-2018
Implementation deadline: 2012-
Collaboration French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale): Annesi-Maesano I. (Unité EPAR UMR-S 707 Inserm & UPMC Paris 6), Amrani F., Sanyal S.
Funding: France's participation in a European project selected as part of Life +, Environment Policy and Governance, Environment and Health
Implementation deadline: 2014-2017
Chevillard G., Lucas-Gabrielli V., Mousquès J.
Collaboration: University of La Réunion: Moullan Y. ; French National Medical Council (Conseil national de l'Ordre des médecins)
Implementation deadline: 2017-2019
Collaboration: Wennberg International Collaborative (WIC), hosted by the University of Dartmouth; Working group « Pertinence des Soins » (Appropriateness of care), driven by the Directorate of Health Care Supply, French Ministry of Health (DGOS) and the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM)
Funding: Generic ANR call for projects 2015
Implementation deadline: 2015-