The international research projects in which IRDES is involved are presented below. The partnerships and networks to which the Institute collaborates are accessible through the opposite entries.

A thematic search is also available.



Or Z.

Collaboration: 31 partners, 16 countries

Partners "Work package 12": Medical University of Vienna: Hofmarcher M. ; Technical University of Berlin: Busse R. ; Imperial College in London: Smith P.

Implementation deadline: 2015-2017

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International Comparison of Secondary Outpatient Specialized Medicine Organization

Michel L., Mousquès J., Or Z.

Implementation deadline: 2017-2018

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Coordination, Integration and Alternative to Full Fee-for-Service Payment: what Lessons can be Learned in France from the Experimentation with Accountable Care Organisations in the United States and Dissemination Models in other Countries?

Mousquès J.

Funding: The Commonwealth Fund's Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice, year 2015-2016

Implementation deadline: 2015-2018

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European Health Interview Survey (EHIS)

Célant N., Poucineau J., Rochereau T., Sermet C.

Collaboration: French Directorate for Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Direction de la recherche, des études, de l'évaluation et des statistiques, DREES)

Implementation deadline: 2016-2020

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International Comparison Study of Daily Sick Leave Benefits

Lengagne P., Mousquès J., Raynaud D.

Collaboration: University of Rennes I, IODE: Del Sol M.

Funding: French Directorate for Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Direction de la recherche, des études, de l'évaluation et des statistiques, DREES); French Directorate of Social Security (Direction de la Sécurité sociale, DSS)

Implementation deadline: 2016-2019

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Health System and Policy Monitor (HSPM)                                   

Or Z.


Implementation deadline: 2012-

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MED-HISS - Links between Air Pollution Exposure and Health

Com-Ruelle L., Rochereau T.

Collaboration French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale): Annesi-Maesano I. (Unité EPAR UMR-S 707 Inserm & UPMC Paris 6), Amrani F., Sanyal S.

Funding: France's participation in a European project selected as part of Life +, Environment Policy and Governance, Environment and Health

Implementation deadline: 2014-2017

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"Enquête Premiers pas": a Survey on Access to Healthcare for Migrants without a Residence Permit

Dourgnon P., Jusot F.

Collaboration: University of Bordeaux, University of Paris Dauphine: Wittwer J. (scientific coordinator), Doctors of the World (Médecins du Monde), Aquitaine Regional institute of social work (Institut régional du travail social Aquitaine)

Funding: Generic ANR call for projects 2015

Implementation deadline: 2016-

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Is the Use of Doctors with Foreign Diplomas the Solution to the Problems of Geographical Distribution of the Supply of Private Doctors in France?

Chevillard G., Lucas-Gabrielli V., Mousquès J.

Collaboration: University of La Réunion: Moullan Y. ; French National Medical Council (Conseil national de l'Ordre des médecins)

Implementation deadline: 2017-2019

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Review of International Literature on Disability Policies

Espagnacq M., Penneau A., Pichetti S.

Implementation deadline: 2018

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Variations in Medical Practice and Analysis of Appropriateness of Care

Or Z.

Collaboration: Wennberg International Collaborative (WIC), hosted by the University of Dartmouth; Working group « Pertinence des Soins » (Appropriateness of care), driven by the Directorate of Health Care Supply, French Ministry of Health (DGOS) and the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM)

Funding: Generic ANR call for projects 2015

Implementation deadline: 2015-

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