Basic pay for medical interns in France and Germany compared with the average wage (amounts at 1 July 2022)

September 2024

Reading: The difference in the basic gross income for interns in France and Germany is significant. Whatever the year of their specialization, German interns earn a higher basic income than their French counterparts, in relation to the national average. For example, in the second year, French interns earn only two-thirds of the average French wage, whereas in Germany, they earn 35% more than the average German wage. In the fifth year, they still earn almost 20% less than the average wage in France, compared with 60% more in Germany. This gap between France and Germany does not take into account remuneration for out-of-hour medical services, which are less well paid in France.

Scope: In France, interns in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, then junior doctors in 1st and 2nd year, based on basic income, plus hardship allowance (in 1st and 2nd year), responsibility allowance (from 3rd to 6th year) and extra charge for housing and food; in Germany, remuneration group for doctors in post-graduate specialization training in hospitals (kommunales Krankenhaus). Average monthly gross wage (FTE) of 3,475 euros in France and 3,788 euros in Germany in 2022.

Sources: Légifrance. Arrêtés du 29 juin 2023 (Text n° 21 and Text n° 22) ; Marburger Bund. Tarifverträge ; ö Tarifverträge.für Ärzte. Pour les salaires moyens de 2022, statistiques de l'OCDE. Calculs Irdes. For average wages in 2022, OECD statistics. IRDES calculations.

Taken from Or Z. and Minery S. (IRDES). "Lessons from a comparison of ambulatory care in France and Germany" IRDES, Issues in Health Economics (290), June 2024.