Annual out-of-pocket payments of the beneficiaries of the Disabled Adult Allowance (AAH) without complementary health insurance, depending on whether or not they have a long-term illness (ALD) scheme

October 2022

Sources: The French Health System's' inter-scheme consumption database (DCIR), 2014-2018; calculations: IRDES.

Reading: Among the beneficiaries of the Disabled Adult Allowance (AAH) without complementary health insurance between 2014 and 2018, hospitalised individuals and those with healthcare consumption linked to disabling conditions have the highest average annual out-of-pocket payments. Exoneration for Long-Term Illness (ALD), which concerns the majority of them, slightly reduces these out-of-pocket payments.

Taken from Pichetti S., Espagnacq M. "The Healthcare Consumption Profiles and Complementary Health Insurance of the Beneficiaries of the Disabled Adult Allowance (AAH)", IRDES, Issues in Health Economics (271), September 2022.