Access to State Medical Aid (AME) is lower for undocumented immigrants in highly precarious situations.

February 2020

C1 Rate of eligible persons* covered by State Medical Aid according to dwelling type


C2 Rate of eligible people* covered by State Medical Aid according to food insecurity**


* Undocumented immigrants living in France for more than three months.
** Corresponds to the following question in the "Premiers Pas" survey: "At any time during the past 12 months, have you found yourself in a situation where you did not have enough to eat?".

Reading: Only 30% of undocumented immigrants living on the street, "in makeshift dwelling", are covered by State Medical Aid (AME), compared to 58% of those living in ordinary dwelling.

Source: "Premiers Pas" Survey.

Taken from Dourgnon P., Jusot F., Wittwer J. , Sarhiri J. "Access to State Medical Aid by Undocumented Immigrants in France: First Findings of the Premiers Pas Survey", IRDES, Issues in Health Economics (245), November 2019.