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Disparités de recours au frottis cervico-utérin des femmes âgées de 25 à 65 ans...

  • ... selon l'âge
  • ... selon le niveau de diplôme


Actualités santé et protection sociale

Veille thématique bimensuelle sur l'actualité en santé, réalisée à partir de revues de presse.

 1er décembre 2017
 17 novembre 2017

Veille scientifique en économie de la santé

Veille thématique mensuelle sur les systèmes et les politiques de santé, ainsi que sur l'économie de la santé, réalisée à partir d'articles, littérature grise, ouvrages...

 Décembre 2017

Produits documentaires

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Colloques et séminaires

Mardis de l'Irdes

  • Mardi 23 janvier 2018, à 11h00
    Bell-Aldeghi R. (Université Paris-Nanterre)
    How Selective Should a Preferred-Provider Network Be? Evidence from a French Network of Contracted Opticians Competing for the Right to Sell to a Market

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Interventions des chercheurs de l'Irdes


Irdes à l'INDS

L'Irdes est membre de l'Institut national des données de santé (INDS).

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4th IRDES Workshop on Applied Health Economics and Policy Evaluation

Le quatrième séminaire international sur l'économie de la santé et l'évaluation des politiques publiques aura lieu à Paris les 21 et 22 juin 2018. Il est organisé par l'Irdes et la Chaire Santé Dauphine.

Présentation et appel à communication


Editions de l'Irdes

The Heterogeneity of Hospitalisation Admission for Depression is Linked to Prior Healthcare

Nestrigue C., Coldefy M., Mousquès J. (IRDES) In collaboration with Daniel F. (ISPED, IRDES), Younès N. (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin, IRDES)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 228. 2017/06

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), depression is now the leading cause of disability in the world. Despite the existence of treatments, a large part of the world’s population - including in the developed countries - does not have access to them. General practitioners (GPs) play a key role in the treatment of this disorder. However, GPs in France refer patients suffering from depression less often to other healthcare professionals.
According to the European Health Interview Survey-The Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey (EHIS-ESPS), the estimated prevalence of depression in France is 7%, representing almost 4 million people aged 15 or over. In 2012-2013, 200,000 initial hospitalisations for a depressive episode were recorded in health institutions (data from the National Inter- Scheme Information System on Health Insurance (SNIIRAM) cross-referenced with hospital data). These hospital episodes are classified into 9 categories. They bring out the heterogeneity of the healthcare, the frequency of hospitalisations in medical rather than psychiatric units, and the fact that they are often 'unplanned'. Hence, 1 out of every 10 people initially hospitalised - particularly in the case of recipients of Universal Complementary Health Insurance (Couverture Maladie Universelle Complémentaire, or CMU-C), young people, and the very old - did not receive ambulatory care before the hospital episode. A psychiatrist was consulted by 3 out of every 10 patients hospitalised and more than half of the patients were prescribed antidepressants prior to hospitalisation.
The analysis subsequently focused on 5 categories of hospital episode in order to study patient care through the use of ambulatory care provided by GPs and psychiatrists during the six-month period prior to hospitalisation.


Are There any Lessons to Be Learnt in France from the American Experience of Accountable Care Organizations?

Mousquès J. (IRDES), Lenormand M.-C. (CNAMTS)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 227. 2017/04

The Affordable Care Act, which is commonly referred to as 'Obamacare' and was adopted in the United States in 2010, is known primarily for its emblematic objective of making healthcare affordable to the entire population. A title of the law also focuses on the promotion of new healthcare organisations to foster better coordination between healthcare professionals and improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery.
As of 2012, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation conducted various experiments with the primary goal of strengthening primary care. The Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is the most ambitious of the reform models as it also fosters improved coordination between ambulatory and hospital care organisations. Organisations of this type have spread rapidly since their introduction. In January 2016, more than 800 ACOs coordinate care for 28 million people, representing 15% of insured Americans. This overview of the literature on this subject studies the characteristics of the ACOs, their performance, and the tools and schemes adopted, and offers valuable insight for the French health system.

Autres éditeurs

Adaptive Pathways: Possible Next Steps for Payers in Preparation for Their Potential Implementation

Vella Bonanno P., Ermisch M., Godman B., Martin A.P., Van Den Bergh J., Bezmelnitsyna L., Bucsics A., Arickx F., Bybau A., Bochenek T., van de Casteele M., Diogene E., Eriksson I., Fürst J., Gad M., Greičiūtė-Kuprijanov I., van der Graaff M., Gulbinovic J., Jones J., Joppi R., Kalaba M., Laius O., Langner I., Mardare I., Markovic-Pekovic V., Magnusson E., Melien O., Meshkov D.O., Petrova G.I., Selke G., Sermet C., Simoens S., Schuurman A., Ramos R., Rodrigues J., Zara C., Zebedin-Brandl E., Haycox A. Front Pharmacol. Frontiers in pharmacology, vol 8, n° 497, 2017/08, 1-13.

Compulsory Hospitalization, Severity of Disorders and Territorial Landscape: A French Study

Roelandt J.-L., Crétin A., Askevis-Leherpeux F., Baucheron J.-P., Brun-Rousseau H., Coldefy M., et al., Global Journal of Health Science, vol. 9, n° 12, 2017.

Etude des algorithmes de repérage de la schizophrénie dans le Sniiram par le réseau REDSIAM

Quantin C., Collin C., Frérot M., Besson J., Cottenet J., Corneloup M., Soudry-Faure A., Mariet A.-S., Roussot A., Coldefy M., Nestrigue C., et al., Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé publique, vol 65, suppl 4, 2017/10, S226-S235.

Smoking inequalities in France and the United States / Inégalités sociales de tabagisme en France et aux Etats-Unis

Pampel F., Bricard D., Khlat M., Legleye S., IUSSP's online news magazine, 27/11/2017, 1-4.

Social heterogeneity in self-reported health status and the measurement of inequalities in health

Jusot F., Tubeuf S., Devaux M., Sermet C., In Perceived Health and Adaptation in Chronic Disease. Guillemin F., Leplège A., Briançon B., Spitz E., Coste J., Eds. Londres : Routledge, 2017, 175-195.

Vu sur d'autres sites

 Accéder à l'intégralité de la rubrique « Vu sur d'autres sites » du mois de décembre 2017

  • Assurance maladie - Sécurité sociale
  • Dépenses de santé
  • Enquêtes - Sondages
  • Etat de santé et recours aux soins
  • Géographie de la santé
  • Hôpital - Établissements de santé
  • Inégalités sociales de santé - Accès aux soins - Renoncement aux soins
  • International
  • Médicaments
  • Nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication (NTIC)
  • Organisation des soins - Réseaux de soins
  • Politique de sante - Politique sociale - Politique publique
  • Professions de santé - Pratiques professionnelles
  • Protection sociale
  • Psychiatrie - Santé mentale
  • Vieillissement - Fragilité - Personnes âgées

 Accéder à l'intégralité des sélections 2007-2017 de la rubrique « Vu sur d'autres sites ».

Prochaine lettre le 16 janvier 2018

Rédaction : A. Evans et S. Chriqui, relecture : A. Marek, diffusion : S. Bequignon, conception graphique et mise en page : A. Sirvain, développement : J. Harrouin

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