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Integrating Social Services for Vulnerable Groups: Bridging Sectors for Better Service Delivery.

Paris : OCDE, 2015

All OECD countries have vulnerable populations in need of multiple service supports. And although the needs of vulnerable families, children and youth with mental health issues, the homeless, and the frail elderly can vary widely, the challenges government face when delivering multiple social supports to these groups are often similar. This book looks at the ways in which governments design and deliver integrated social services to vulnerable groups and the opportunities and challenges this brings. For each vulnerable group, the book addresses questions like: How are social services being integrated? How are vulnerable groups defined in different countries and how do populations compare? Why integrate service for vulnerable groups? It highlights pathways towards successful integration practices, and summarizes the evidence on good practice and promising common practices from across all of the vulnerable groups.

Immigration economics.

Borjas G.J.
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2014

Millions of people—nearly 3 percent of the world's population—no longer live in the country where they were born. Every day, migrants enter not only the United States but also developed countries without much of a history of immigration. Some of these nations have switched in a short span of time from being the source of immigrants to being a destination for them. International migration is today a central subject of research in modern labor economics, which seeks to put into perspective and explain this historic demographic transformation. This book synthesizes the theories, models, and econometric methods used to identify the causes and consequences of international labor flows. It lays out with clarity and rigor a full spectrum of topics, including migrant worker selection and assimilation, the impact of immigration on labor markets and worker wages, and the economic benefits and losses that result from immigration. Two important themes emerge: First, immigration has distributional consequences: some people gain, but some people lose. Second, immigrants are rational economic agents who attempt to do the best they can with the resources they have, and the same holds true for native workers of the countries that receive migrants. (résumé de l'éditeur)

The economics of immigration. Theory and policy.

Bodvarsson O.B., Van Der Berg H.
New York : Springer, 2013

The book covers the economic theory of immigration, which explains why people move across borders and details the consequences of such movements for the source and destination economies. The book also describes immigration policy, providing both a history of immigration policy in a variety of countries and using the economic theory of immigration to explain the determinants and consequences of the policies. The timing of this book coincides with the emergence of immigration as a major political and economic issue in the USA, Japan Europe and many developing countries. (4e de couverture).

WHO Mental Health Atlas 2014.

Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. (OMS). Genève. CHE,World Health Organisation. (W.H.O.). Genève. CHE
Genève : OMS, 2015

WHO's mental health Atlas project dates back to 2000, when a first assessment of available mental health resources in WHO Member States was carried out (WHO, 2001). Subsequent updates have been published since then (WHO, 2005; WHO, 2011). The 2014 version of mental health Atlas continues to provide up-to-date information on the availability of mental health services and resources across the world, including financial allocations, human resources and specialised facilities for mental health. This information was obtained via a questionnaire sent to designated focal points in each WHO Member State. Latest key findings are presented to the right.


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