15th Emerging New Researches in the Geography of Health and Impairment Conference

June 10-11th 2010

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ENRGHI is a long-running conference, supported by the RGS/IBG Geography of Health Research Group , that has visited Universities all over the UK and holds great international appeal. Paris was successful in its bid to organise the forthcoming 15th ENRGHI conference in June 10-11, 2010. ENRGHI provides a forum for emerging researchers who share a common interest in health and its variation over space, environment and time. Previous ENRGHI conferences have attracted delegates from all over the world with research backgrounds as diverse as human and physical geography, economics, sociology, law, medicine, management, anthropology, psychology and public health.


Créée en 1994, la conférence ENRGHI (Emerging New Researchers in the Geography of Health and Impairment) a traditionnellement été organisée en Angleterre. Initiée par le « Geography of Health Research Group » de la Société Royale de Géographie britannique, elle vise à permettre aux doctorants, post-doctorants et jeunes chercheurs en géographie de la santé ou épidémiologie spatiale de présenter leurs recherches dans un colloque international et confronter leurs travaux à un public intéressé par les approches géographiques de la santé. Face à son internationalisation croissante, la 15ème session de la conférence a été organisée à Paris, les 10 et 11 juin 2010, à l'Institut de géographie. Cette session a été l'occasion de riches débats et échanges sur les questions de géographie de la santé.

Organizing Committee

Scientific Committee

Jeanne-Marie Amat-Roze (University of Paris 12), Sophie Baudet-Michel (University of Paris 7), Morgan Berger (University of Rennes 2) , Hélène Charreire (Unité de Recherche en Épidémiologie Nutritionnelle, University of Paris 13), Magali Coldefy (Irdes, University of Paris 1), Charlotte de Fontgalland (University of Paris 10) , Gabriel Dupuy (University of Paris 1), Anne-Cécile Hoyez (University of Poitiers), Charlène Le Neindre (University of Paris 7), Véronique Lucas-Gabrielli (Irdes), Denise Pumain (University of Paris 1), Stéphane Rican (University of Paris 10), Sébastien Tusseau (University of Angers), Alain Vaguet (University of Rouen), Julie Vallée (Inserm, University of Paris 6), Renaud Watel (University of Paris 1).


The program will consist in thematic sessions, including a methodological session, covering the various field of emerging research in health geography in Europe. Presentations include (but are not limited to) the following topics:

  • Healthcare delivery
  • Health inequalities
  • Rural health
  • Health in the city
  • Environmental justice, equity, health
  • Health across the life course
  • HIV/AIDS research
  • Mental health, disability and stigma
  • Obesity
  • Health and Health care in Developing World
  • Migration and Health
  • Health and Spatial analysis