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Chaque second mardi du mois, retrouvez toute l'actualité de l'économie de la santé à l'Irdes : publications, colloques, interview, données chiffrées et produits documentaires...

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Taux de recours à la chirurgie de l'obésité par département en 2014 (standardisés par sexe et âge et pour 100 000 habitants)


Doc news

Veille thématique bimensuelle sur l'actualité en santé, réalisée à partir de listes de diffusion, de revues de presse en ligne et de sites français et étrangers

 Doc news du 16 juin 2017
 Doc news du 2 juin 2017

Veille scientifique en économie de la santé

Publication mensuelle qui rassemble de façon thématique les résultats de la veille documentaire sur les systèmes et les politiques de santé, ainsi que sur l'économie de la santé.

 Veille scientifique de juin 2017

Synthèses bibliographiques

Mise à jour :

Colloques et séminaires

Mardis de l'Irdes

  • Mardi 27 juin 2017, à 11h00
    Lescher M. (LIRAES, Université Paris Descartes, Irdes), Sirven N. (LIRAES, Université Paris Descartes, Irdes)
    La satisfaction des patients est-elle corrélée aux mesures de qualité hospitalière ? Le cas français

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Calendrier des colloques

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Interventions des chercheurs de l'Irdes


Bourse Harkness

Le Commonwealth Fund, en collaboration avec l'Irdes, invite chaque année depuis 2015 les chercheurs et acteurs de la santé en France à passer un an aux Etats-Unis afin d'étudier les réformes et innovations du système de santé Outre-Atlantique.

Date limite de réception pour candidater à la bourse Harkness 2018/2019 : 13 novembre 2017.

Un webinar est organisé le mercredi 21 juin 2017 à 15 heures afin de présenter la Bourse Harkness, en présence notamment de Robin Osborn, directrice du Commonwealth Fund, et de Denis Raynaud, directeur de l'Irdes.

 Pour en savoir plus
 Pour s'inscrire :

Veille scientifique en économie de la santé

La bibliographique thématique mensuelle de la documentation de l'Irdes, Doc Veille, fait peau neuve et devient Veille scientifique en économie de la santé.

 Pour en savoir plus


3rd IRDES Workshop on Applied Health Economics and Policy Evaluation

Ce troisième séminaire international sur l'économie de la santé et l'évaluation des politiques publiques aura lieu à Paris les 22 et 23 juin 2017. Il est organisé par l'Irdes et la Chaire Santé Dauphine.



17th International Medical Geography Symposium (IMGS 2017)

Le dix-septième symposium international de géographie de la santé, dont l'Irdes est un des co-organisateurs, aura lieu à l'université d'Angers du 2 au 7 juillet 2017.



Editions de l'Irdes

An Evaluation of the Health Ageing and Retirement Project (PARI): Phase 1
Is it possible to Use Administrative Data to Identify Risks for Vulnerable Elders?

Sirven N. (LIRAES (EA 4470), Université Paris Descartes, and IRDES)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 224. 2017/03

The Health Ageing and Retirement Project (Programme d'Action pour une Retraite Indépendante), known as the Pari project, implemented by the French Social Security Fund for Self-Employed Workers (Régime Social des Indépendants, or RSI), is aimed at RSI contributors aged between 60 and 79. Using the RSI's medico-administrative documents, the plan aims to produce a diagnostic analysis of individual situations in order to detect economic, social, and health-related frailty and anticipate loss of autonomy, by providing coordinated solutions that are adapted to specific cases.
The Pari project's efficacy is primarily based on its ability to detect individual needs. This preliminary study aims to assess the effectiveness of the Pari plan's capacity to detect individual needs. Its objective is to assess to what extent ‘target individuals' - whose loss of autonomy could be anticipated thanks to a suitable service offering - are correctly identified using the Pari project's diagnostic tool. The preliminary results of the evaluation demonstrate that the project's detection system detected persons who had needs - particularly social ones - that were hitherto undetected. This evaluation study will need to be complemented by controlled experimentation aimed at analysing and ascertaining the effectiveness of the supportive initiatives implemented by the Pari plan.


The State of Public Health in France and Risk Factors
Preliminary Results of the 2014 European Health Interview Survey - The Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey (EHIS-ESPS 2014)

Pisarik J. (DREES), Rochereau T. (IRDES), In collaboration with Célant N. (IRDES)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 223. 2017/03

According to the preliminary results of the 2014 European Health Interview Survey: The Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey (EHIS-ESPS 2014), conducted in private households (non-institutional population), almost one third of the population (aged 15 or over) in mainland France rated their health as fair, poor, or very poor. Almost 40% of respondents stated they had a chronic medical condition and a quarter had a health condition that limited their ability to perform common daily activities. These health indicators varied greatly according to the socio-professional categories, to the detriment of disadvantaged sections of the population, particularly households of unskilled workers. Almost one in ten women and one in twenty men had depressive symptoms, which were more acute in persons aged 75 or over, and mainly concerned employed households. With 7% of the population suffering from depression, France is on a par with the European average.
Among the risk factors, 46% of the population in mainland France was excess overweight, (31% overweight, and 15% obese), which is less than most of the other European countries that took part in the survey. However, 28% of the respondents smoked (22% smoked daily), representing a smoking rate that is higher than the European average. These two risk factors vary greatly according to the socio-professional categories, to the detriment, in particular, of working-class households. Two other Issues in Health Economics/Studies and Results (Questions d'économie de la santé/ Études et Résultats) will be published in 2017, presenting the preliminary results relating to health insurance and access to healthcare. All the survey's results will, in any case, be released in an IRDES (Institute for Research and Information in Health Economics) report, which will be published in 2017.


Use of Outpatient Care and Distances Travelled by Patients: Significant Differences in Regional Access to Healthcare

Com-Ruelle L., Lucas-Gabrielli V., Pierre A. (Irdes), In collaboration with Coldefy M. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 219. 2016/06

In France, the provision of medical care is on a par with the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries' average, but it is unequally distributed across the territory. Doctors are mainly concentrated in urban areas, metropolises, and coastal regions. Inequalities in the provision of outpatient care are very pronounced when measured by the Local Potential Accessibility indicator (indicateur d'Accessibilité Potentielle Localisée, or APL), which assesses the adequacy between care provision and demand, at the municipal level.
Based on the 2010 Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey (Enquête santé et protection Sociale, or ESPS), conducted by the French Institute for Research and Information in Health Economics (Irdes), and matched with the administrative healthcare consumption data, this study highlights differences in outpatient care use, in terms of rates of utilisation, access to the closest doctor, and additional distances travelled by patients. The analysis takes into account patients' individual characteristics and three indicators related to territorial access to healthcare.
The results show that reduced outpatient care availability leads patients to make more frequent journeys, that is to say to use the closest form of healthcare less often. However, they are less prone to travel additional distances further than the closest doctors when they are located far from their places of residence, which limits their freedom of choice.


... Marie-Odile Safon et Véronique Suhard, documentalistes à l'Irdes

  • La nouvelle formule de votre bulletin de veille, Doc Veille, marque-t-elle une évolution globale des produits documentaires ?
  • Quels services la documentation de l'Irdes offre-t-elle en interne comme à l'extérieur ?
  • Quels sont les réseaux auxquels elle participe ?

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Prochaine lettre le 19 septembre 2017

Rédaction : A. Evans et S. Chriqui, relecture : A. Marek, diffusion : S. Bequignon, conception graphique et mise en page : A. Sirvain, développement : J. Harrouin

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