Ministère chargé la Santé
Diagram of the ministry's organization, press campaign, news .The official weekly bulletin (BOH, Bulletin officiel hebdomadaire entitled "Solidarité-santé" or "Solidarity-Health") is now online. It contains all texts published in the Journal Officiel: laws, orders, decrees and decisions, as well as unpublished documents (memos, instructions...). The BOH's contents mainly concern social policy, health, national health insurance, information on populations, immigration, repatriation, and urban policy.
Attached to the Ministry of health website, this internet space presents surveys, publications and statistical data produced by the Directorate of research, studies, evaluation and statistics ("Etudes et Résultats", "Documents de travail", reports and books, regional publications). It also provides access to the main sources of health and social data, FINESS, as well as local data. It presents major investigations conducted by Drees, classified by themes. National Health Accounts and Social Security Accounts, the hospital system's budget,
Information about the ministry, updates, projects by subject, publications and statistical studies,
Information about the ministry, updates, projects by subject, publications and statistical studies, key figures on labor and employment.
The Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la
prospective is an organisation working directly under the direction
of the Prime Minister and its objective is to assist the government
in defining and implementing its economic, social, environmental and
cultural policies.
The site presents its work programme and all the publications are
available for free.
Portail de l'administration Française ""
The site contains:
Assemblée nationale
Updates, parliamentary calendar, session agendas, minutes, legislation approved...
Conseil constitutionnel
This council reviews all legislation to ensure its
The Constitution of 1958 (The Fifth Republic), rulings handed down
by the council, missions, legislative procedure.
Conseil Economique ,Social et environnemental.
The site contains full-text versions of the Conseil's rulings as well as information on its mission, history, on administrative and appellate courts, administrative courts worldwide, and procedural explanations for individuals about the justice system regulating the French administration.
Cour des comptes
In addition to information on the courts and their regional counterparts, the user has access to all official reports and bulletins.
Fonds Cmu
The Cmu fund offers a public complementary insurance on a voluntary basis to lower socioeconomic groups. Its site contains information on how to obtain the CMU. It also publishes on line its reports and statistics informations.
Haut conseil de la Santé Publique (HCSP)
The HSCP provides public authority with the expertise necessary for
the management of risks to public health, as well as for deisgning
and assessing policy and healthcare prevention and safety
strategies. It evaluates also some of national health plans. It
produces reports available on line.
IGAS is the inter-ministerial audit and evaluation office for social and health, employment and labour policies.
Summary of general texts from the daily and weekly issues of the Journal officiel.
OSNIR (Observatoire national interministériel de la Sécurité routière)
Updates: pending legislation, short bulletins on sessions from the previous week, press communiqués, complete copies of works in progress at the Senate...
This portal is designed to enhance the agencies sites public health information. It covers both safety and health educational documentary informations.
Ansm (Agence nationale de sécurité du Médicament et des Produits de santé)
This site contains several pages on the agency's organization, role, and mission (health law enforcement, ensuring proper use of drugs, development of industrial activity and research). In addition, there is information on its work plan. Available also are updates and current developments (health alerts, withdrawal of suspect or contaminated batches of drugs from the market, pharmaceutical monitoring, press communiqués, letters to prescribers). The site also furnishes the following practical information:
ANSES (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire, de
l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail)
The new health establishment, was created in july 2010. It has
incorporated the missions, resources and personnel of the previous
French Food Safety Agency (AFSSA) and the previous French Agency for
Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (AFSSET).
EFS (Etablissement français du Sang)
HAs (Haute Autorité de santé) activities are diverse. They range from assessment of drugs, medical devices, and procedures to publication of guidelines to accreditation of healthcare organisations and certification of doctors. The site provides HAS publications in english.
The ARS consolidates into a single entity several bodies responsible for health policies in the regions and departments: regional and departmental health and social affairs directorates (DRASS and DDASS), regional agencies of hospitalization (ARH), regional public health groups (GRSP), regional Unions of the insurance funds (URCAM), regional missions of health (SRM) and pane hospital insurance, consisting of a part of the staff of the regional health insurance (CRAM) funds, of the social regime of independent (RSI), the agricultural social mutuality (MSA), regional branches of the medical service (DRSM).
FNORS (Fédération Nationale des Observatoires Régionaux de la Santé)
This site includes numerical data from all 26 ORSs
(2700 health indicators)
The database is organized into seven subject categories pertaining
to health and social services: population and living conditions,
health status, pathologies, health behaviour, health and the
environment., health care resources and preventive health care.
The 2700 indicators are applied to continental France's 22 regions
as well as its four overseas départements (local administrative
levels). They are broken down by sex, age, and other characteristics
and are often available for a span of several years.
ACOSS (Agence Centrale des Organismes de la Sécurité Sociale)
CADES has been assigned the task of amortizing France's social security debt by means of a financially balanced debt amortization fund that relies notably on fiscal resources. It is an institution which combines the guarantees provided by government-backed issuers (e.g. it cannot fail) with the organisation and transparency associated with traditional financial institutions.
Cnav (Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Vieillesse)
Practical information on retirement pensions (calculations, entitlements...), statistics.
French governmental agency which registers unemployed people, helps them find jobs and provides them with financial aids. The agency was created in 2009, resulting from the merger between the ANPE and the UNEDIC.
Social security's portal (Portail de la Sécurité sociale)
This site was set up to direct the reader to the various social security websites. It contains:UCANSS (Union des caisses Nationales de Sécurité Sociale)
Information about the UCANSS presented in four sections:
Cnam (Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés)
Cnam - Risques professionnels
CARMF (Caisse autonome de retraite des médecins français)
Information on physicians' retirement pensions. Access to other sites is also provided.
FNMF (Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française)
The FNMF's site contains: an introduction to the Mutualité Française (key figures, specificities, values, organization, functioning, the federation, the Mutuality's history), a presentation of its members' activities (reimbursements, forecasts and solvency guarantees, the mutual's medico-social establishments), a directory of the mutual funds under the aegis of the Mutualité Française, a non-exhaustive glossary of frequently used terms within the Mutualité and by its information services, mutual fund publications (press communiqués, published works, and trade press.
MGEN (Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale)
MSA (Mutualité Sociale Agricole)
Includes information on the farmers' health insurance fund.
(Régime Social des Indépendants)
ATIH (Agence Technique de l'Information sur l'Hospitalisation)
The Agency for Information on Hospital Care was set up in 2000 to manage the information systematically collected from all hospital admissions (PMSI) and used for hospital planning and financing.
In addition to information, mission statements, and addresses for various actors in the Pays de la Loire's health system, this site provides health data from the region (ORS files, epidemiology of cancers and HIV) and information on various regional health programs.
The site contains the following information on the armed forces health services: missions, organization (hospitals, medical schools, research centers, supply centers), health careers in the armed forces (statistics and a breakdown of professions), means (research, training, hospitals, and supply) some background history (results of entry/qualifying exams and extracts from the armed forces health service periodical "Actu Santé").