Academy of Medicine

Académie de médecine

Founded in 1820, the Academy of Medicine is composed of physicians, surgeons, pharmacists, veterinarians, and independent members. It has a two-fold mission: to be an advisory body for the governent on health issues, and to contribute to the advancement of the medical sciences, and the publishing and dissemination of medical breakthroughs. The site provides general information on the institution, its missions, members, publications, and its library (which is open to members of the academy, researchers, and students).

Academy of pharmaceutics

Académie de pharmacie

The academy concerns itself with all aspects of the pharmaceutical sciences, hygiene, and public health. The site contains general information on the academy's organization, objectives, and activities.

Academy of Sciences

Académie des Sciences


Directory of dental schools

Annuaire des facultés dentaires

List made available by the National Dental Association (Ordre national des chirurgiens dentistes).

World directory of medical schools

Annuaire des facultés de médecine dans le monde

CEPN (Economics Centre of Paris Nord University)

CEPN (Centre d'Economie de l'Université Paris Nord)

Chaire Santé- Sciences Po University

The Centre for health research and public affairs was created according five objectives : applications of health issues in a liberal education, encouragement of continuing professional development, stimulation of research, and contribution to current medical-political discussions, and collaboration with international partners in diverse fields relating to the political-health realm.

ENA - The French National School for Administration

ENA (Ecole Nationale de l'Administration)

ENA graduates are groomed for public-sector administrative posts. The ENA site provides a presentation of the school, bibliographic searches undertaken by students to prepare for seminars in general administration or social issues, as well as reports written by students.

EHESP - The National School of Public Health

EHESP (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique de Rennes)

Since january 2008, it has become l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique. This new school takes over the missions and resposabilities of the formet ENSP, but its scope is extended with new specialities, diplomas and international collaboration. As such, the EHESP have university status and comes under the auspices of the ministry for higher education, for health and for social affairs.


National School for Social Security Administration

University of Grenoble I (Joseph Fournier)

Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Grenoble 1 (Joseph Fourier)

Grenoble Medical School

IFROSS / Graphos - School for Research on Health and Social Organizations and their Networks

IFROSS / Graphos (Institut de Formation et de Recherche sur les Organisations Sanitaires et Sociales et leurs Réseaux)

The IFROSS is part of the University of Lyon Law School (Jean Moulin 3). Its mission is to educate students about and promote research on the analyses of treatment practices, strategy, organization, legal aspects, and evaluation of health, social, and medico-social structures. The Graphos is the IFROSS's research laboratory. It has a collaborative partnership with the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS, Centre national de la recherche scientifique). The Graphos conducts multi-disciplinary research on the regulation of health and social services systems: treatment practice analyses, evaluation, accreditation, quality, management and costs control, planning, projects, operational organization, and information systems. In addition to providing general information on the institution and its educational mission, the site contains a list of the Graphos's publications: MA theses, publications, and conference material.

ISPED - The Institute of Public Health, Epidemiology, and Development

University Victor Segalen (Bordeaux2)

ISPED - Institut de Santé Publique, d'Epidémiologie et de Développement


Directory of medical school diplomas

Annuaire des diplômes universitaires en médecine

This site was set up to facilitate the exchange of information between medical schools and students or prospective students. This database contains information on the more than 1,500 diplomas which are offered by medical schools. Searches can be conducted by university or by specialty.