This site is provided by French National Health Insurance Fund. It is dedicated to prevention on several health issues (asthma, cancer, contraception...).
In addition to its press review, AFP-santé-médecine (press agency specialized in health), and a listing of television programs on health, the Caducée site offers health dossiers organized by pathology. There is also a directory of sites concerning legislation, pharmaceutics, and fields of specialized medicine.
CISMeF (catalogue et index des sites médicaux francophones du CHU de Rouen)
Catalogue and index of the Rouen Teaching Hospital's French-language medical sites.
Doctissimo is a health portal for the general public. It provides access to a medical encyclopedia, a guide to prescription drugs and medical analyses, an atlas of the human body, information on common ailments and pathologies, medical information by age group, legal aspects of health, advice for travelers... The information is organized with respect to several headings: health, well-being, nutrition, sexuality, etc...
The site has is for professionals who have been granted access (free of charge). The site provides services like access to professionnal news, health directories, information on professional training, instruction, conferences, documentation sources...
This site is provided by the French Hospital Federation. It offers general information on hospital system in France, hospital and nursing home directories, a medical dictionary and a web-sites directory.
The social security portal is driven by the
Directorate of social security, in collaboration with the social
security funds. It's ambition to guide the insured in its
dealings with social security agencies and to inform on his
The portal also offers a news section which includes legal texts
relating to health insurance, retirement, family benefits or on
the regulation of premiums and social charges. A presentation of
the social security must also allow the user to become familiar
with the operation of social security, through the line of the
conventions of objectives and management or by the availability
of the reports of the social security accounts.
This portal provides access to establishments which are closely linked to the Ministry of Health: the ANSM (French Agency for the safety of Drugs and Health Products (Agence Nationale de Sécurité des Médicaments et des Produits de Santé), the EFS - French Blood Agency (Etablissement français du sang), the InVS - the National Institute for Public Health Surveillance (Institut de veille sanitaire), the HAS - French National Authority for Health (Haute Autorité de Santé)...