ADF (French Dental Association)

ADF (Association Dentaire Française)

APF (French Association of Physically Disabled People)

APF (Association des Paralysés de France)

ARSI (Association for Research on Nursing Care)

ARSI (Association de Recherche en Soins Infirmiers)

The ARSI's purpose is to develop, support, and disseminate nursing care research, to train researchers, and to collaborate with French and foreign research programs. It offers training programs, working sessions, and publishes the periodical "Recherche en Soins Infirmiers".

CNGE (National College of Teachers in General Practice)

CNGE (Collège National des Généralistes Enseignants)

The site contains the CNGE's publications and is an invaluable source of information for anyone interested in general medicine and the way it is taught. 

CNOM (National Medical Association)

CNOM (Conseil National de l'Ordre des Médecins)

The complete text of the medical deontology code along with accompanying explanations and commentaries. You can search the document by keyword or theme.

- The National Medical Association's reports and publications in complete-text versions,
- Updates on relevant judicial developments in France and abroad,
- Directory of practicing physicians: research by field of specialty, name of physician, location of practice...
- Maps showing density of physicians and trends in medical demographics from 1955 up to now .

CNSD (National Confederation of Dental Unions)

CNSD (Confédération Nationale des Syndicats Dentaires)

The National Confederation of Dental Unions is a professional association under whose aegis fall the 99 départemental unions of dentists (the département is a geographic subdivision of a region). More than half of dentists practicing in France are members of this confederation. The site presents the CNSD, its publication Le Chirurgien dentiste de France (with an online table of contents) information on the contract which binds the public health insurance fund and the dentists, and concerns training, computer technology and electronic transmission of information to the public health insurance fund, waste disposal and regulation (waste disposal, nomenclature of procedures, etc.).

CSMF (Union Federation of French Medical Professionals)

CSMF (Confédération des Syndicats Médicaux Français)

FEHAP (Federation of Private non profit Hospitals)

FEHAP (Fédération des Etablissements Hospitaliers et d'Aide à la Personne)

The site contains:
- The FEHAP newsletter,
- A listing of FEHAP publications,
- Information on its sectors of activity (health, medico-social issues, legal questions, and education/training),
- Texts of laws, thematic listings of legal documents,
- Statistics on the FEHAP.

FFA (French Federation of Private Insurance Companies)

FFA (Fédération Française de l'Assurance)

FHP (Federation of Private Hospitals)

FHP (Fédération de l'Hospitalisation Privée)

FNEHAD (National Federation of Hospital at Home )

FNEHAD (Fédération Nationale des Etablissements d'Hospitalisation à Domicile)

This site contains:
- The definition, history, and statutes governing home medical care,
- Key figures
- Directory of hospital at home establishments, whether FNEHAD-affiliated or not,
- Explanation of legislation governing accreditation for health care establishments which provide home care services,
- New online FNEHAD newsletter,
- Information on training courses and upcoming conferences.

FNI (National Federation of Nurses)

FNI (Fédération Nationale des Infirmiers)

The FNI site provides information about the federation (overview, objectives, contact information for FNI unions, demands, nomenclature of nursing procedures (standard nursing practice and specialized care), advice and relevant regulatory texts for nurses going into practice.

FNMR (National Federation of Radiologists)

FNMR (Fédération nationale des médecins radiologues)

Current developments: communiqués, press reviews, a bulletin for electroradiologists, general information on the FNMR, legal information, links.

France Assos Santé (Federation of various associations representing citizens who have an interest in health)

France Assos Santé

This group was created to monitor the implementation of the 1996 hospital system reform, and to promote its members' interests in the debates on health and social affairs reforms. France Assos santé (ex CISS) consists of 70 associations consumers, family affairs advocates, and representatives of the sick or disabled. Its action focuses on topics ranging from patients' rights in hospitals, insurability of high-risk individuals, computerization of medical data, and indemnities for ills brought on by therapy. France Assos Santé has been actively supporting efforts to pass legislation guaranteeing the patient's right to access to his own medical records.

LEEM (The French Pharmaceutical Companies Association)

Information on the pharmaceutical industry's activity and services is organized under six headings: overview of the LEEM, overview of the pharmaceutical industry (prescription drug figures, overview of the sector, the industry's legal and regulatory framework, drugs and the control of health care expenditure, the European and international context), social relations (national agreement, salaries, social news..), professions and training (skills, employment, medical representatives), and useful addresses. Hypertext links enable you to click on these sites and go directly to them.

MG France (French Federation of General Practitioners)

MG France (Fédération Française des Médecins Généralistes)

Under various headings you can find information on: the history of GP collective bargaining and the MG France union, press communiqués and reviews, legal texts from the Journal officiel, the complete texts of the most recent agreement between the national health insurance funds and GPs (convention médicale). Also available at the site adresses of useful medical websites.

National Dental Association

Ordre National des Chirurgiens Dentistes

SFAR (French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care)

SFAR (Société Française d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation)

The site provides general information on the SFAR, recommendations, consensus conferences, and conferences for specialists given by experts, scientific publications.

SFMG (French Society of General Medicine)

SFMG (Société Française de Médecine Générale)

Overview of the SFMG, its history, organization, information about the Observatoire de la médecine générale (bureau which monitors the practice of general medicine and which was created by the SFMG), its publications (some of which are available in complete-text version). There are also extracts from the Observatoire's statistics department.

SFSP (French Public Health Society)

SFSP (Société Française de Santé Publique)

The site provides an overview of the SFSP, summaries of the last issue of the journal "Santé publique", a contents list bulletin, a newsletter and thematic issues.

SNBH (National Union of Hospital Biologists)

SNBH (Syndicat National des Biologistes des Hôpitaux)

SNITEM (National Union of the Medical Technology Industry)

SNITEM (Syndicat National de l'Industrie des Technologie Médicale)

The site provides general information on the SNITEM and specific information for SNITEM members, as well as some key figures for the medical technology industry, information on the regulations governing the medical and medical-technology sectors (operators in the standardization, certification, safety, medico-economic evaluations, planning, and pricing processes), a nomenclature, a directory of materials and products, and a list of companies by alphabetical order and sector.

SPLF (French-Language Society of Pneumology)

SPLF (Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française)

The site contains a directory listing members and services provided by the society. Also, under the heading "Services" and "Documentas", access is provided to certain information sources and useful tools in the field of pneumology (regulation, consensus conferences/recommendations, bibliographical references, reports, articles and reviews, accreditation...).

SYNGOF (National Union of French Gynecologists/Obstetricians)

SYNGOF (Syndicat National des Gynécologues-Obstétriciens de France)

Recommendations on clinical gynecological/obstetrics practices.

UFSBD (French Federation for Orodental Health)

UFSBD (Union Française pour la Santé Buccodentaire)

- Overview of the UFSBD (a center which collaborates with the WHO).
- Key dental figures: results of UFSBD and WHO surveys.

UJCD (Federation of Young Dental Surgeons)

UJCD (Union des Jeunes Chirurgiens Dentistes)

General information on the UJCD, the review "Dentaire hebdo" online, and a heading "Actualités".

UNASA (National Federation of Registered Associations)

UNASA (Union Nationale des Associations Agréées)

Sixty- six associations of independent practitioners fall under the aegis of the UNASA, with a predominance of medical and paramedical professionals. This union's objective is to act as a forum and think tank for the standardization of registered associations' procedures and requirements, to gather and disseminate useful information, to foster communication between its various member associations, and to conduct research on subjects concerning the existence, inter-associative exchanges, and operations of registered associations. The site provides general information on the UNASA and access to its press review entitled "Flash Contact" as well as to scientific guides for health care professionals. Also online is the reference work "Données statistiques sur la profession libérale en France" (statistical information on private-practice health professionals in France).

Unicancer (French Comprehensive Cancer Centers )

UNR Santé

Created in 2008, Unr Sante is an association which federate care networks all over France. It want to promote the role of care networks in health care organization and prevention.

URPS (Professional Association of Independent Practitioners)

Adresses of  the regional branches of UPML (Union Professionnelle des Médecins Libéraux)