
Zeynep Or (Irdes) in collaboration with Martine Bellanger (ENSP)
Project implementation period: 2005 - 2007

HealthBASKET is a part of the Specific Targeted Research or innovation project in the European Commission's 6th Framework programme.

The project was launched in 2005 and finished in March 2007 with a closing conference in Berlin. The participating countries included Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

European Health Management Association (EHMA)'s site

Just appeared

Health Economics, results of the Health BASKET project

Volume 17 Issue S1 , Pages 1 - 103 (January/February 2008) Special Issue: Analysing the variation of health care treatment costs in Europe Issue Edited by Reinhard Busse, Jonas Schreyögg, Peter C. Smith

The "health basket " project examines the variability in treatment costs for a number of interventions across 9 European countries (Denmark, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, and Spain). The special issue
consists of an editorial by Reinhard Busse, Jonas Schreyogg and Peter C Smith and individual chapters on the variation
in treatment costs for hip replacement, stroke, acute myocardial infarction, child delivery, appendectomy, cataract removal
and dental fillings. The study raises some fascinating questions and such transparency may contribute to "health tourism" across the EU.
Full text on the Wiley InterScience's site

Reports for France

HealthBASKET project. France

Bellanger M., Or Z., Lorand S., Tardiff L., December 2006, WP9, final report.

This report is part of the last phase of the Health Basket project which aims to identify a methodology which allows cost comparisons of individual health services between EU Member states. The objective of this phase (work package 9)
is to estimate the costs of 10 different health services (both in and out-patient care) and explore the factors behind
the variations in costs within and across countries.

This paper presents the methodology employed and the results obtained for France. A broad overview of the inpatient
and out-patient services concerned by the selected case vignettes is given before presenting the methodology adopted
for the data collection.

The rest of this report is divided into three parts: the next section details the methodology adopted for choosing care
providers and calculating costs for vignettes. Section 3 presents the results. For in-patient cases, two sets of results
are presented: the first set is based on the cost data collected from individual hospitals and the second is based
on the results from a national hospital cost study. The last section provides a discussion with some lines for further development.

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Approaches for cost assessment and price setting in France.

Bellanger M., Or Z., Paris V., Tardiff L., September 2005, WP6, report for the HealthBASKET project.

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HealthBASKET project. Benefit report. France.

Bellanger M., Cherilova V., Paris V., April 2005, WP2.

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Other publication

The “Health Benefit Basket” in France.

Bellanger M., Cherilova C. In The European Journal of Health Economics (Supplement, November 2005).

The results of Phase 1 of the project have been published in a special issue of The European Journal of Health Economics published by Springer-Verlag GmbH. ISSN: 1618-7598 (Paper) 1618-7601 (Online), Issue: Volume 6, Supplement 1, Date: November 2005.

The French health insurance system, a mix of explicit and implicit regulations, offers wide-ranging reimbursement in the fields
of preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and palliative care. The present analysis of the health benefit basket in France is being carried out during a period of reforms. This contribution describes the structure of the statutory health insurance system, followed by a description of the entitlements and benefits and of the actors involved in the decision-making process with
its criteria for services of curative care, HC1. Finally, we analyze the main changes which may affect the health basket
in France.

Online on the European Health Management Association (EHMA)'s site

All European Projects and International Collaborations