QES n° 228
The Heterogeneity of Hospitalisation Admission for Depression is Linked to Prior Healthcare.
Nestrigue C., Coldefy M., Mousquès J. (IRDES) In collaboration with Daniel F. (ISPED, IRDES), Younès N. (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin, IRDES)
Gatekeeping and the utilization of physician services in France: Evidence on the Médecin traitant reform.
Dumontet M., Buchmueller T., Dourgnon P., Jusot F., Wittwer J. , Health Policy, vol 121, Issue 6, 2017/06, 675-682.
(Catégorie 2 - CNRS 2016/05) - (Cat. A - Hcérès 2017/01)
On healthpolicyjrnl site
Compulsory Psychiatric Treatment: An Assessment of the Situation Four Years after the Implementation of the Act of 5 July 2011
Coldefy M. (Irdes), Fernandes S. (ORU-Paca, Université Aix-Marseille), In collaboration with Lapalus D. (ARS Paca)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 222. 2017/02.
From Compulsory Psychiatric Hospitalisation to Compulsory Treatment: First Results Following the Institution of the Law of July 5th 2011
Coldefy M., Tartour T., In collaboration with Nestrigue C. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 205. 2015/01.
Do the Transformations in Health Care Supply Correspond to General Medical Care Users' Concerns?
Krucien N., Le Vaillant M., Pelletier-Fleury N. (Cermes-Prospere)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 163. 2011/03
The preferred doctor scheme : A political reading of a French experiment of Gate-keeping, Dourgnon P., Naiditch M., Health Policy, in press, 2009/10, 1-6
On Science Direct site
The preferred doctor scheme: A political reading of a French experiment of Gate-keeping.
Naïditch M. (Denis Diderot University, Irdes), Dourgnon P. (Irdes)
Working paper n° 22, 2009/03
Referral to Specialist Consultations in France in 2006 and Changes since the 2004 Health Insurance Reform.
Le Fur P., Yilmaz E.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 134. 2008/08
Introducing Gate Keeping in France: first assessment of the preferred doctor scheme reform.
Dourgnon P., Guillaume S., Naiditch M., Ordonneau C.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 124. 2007/07
Can physician gate-keeping and patient choice be reconciled in France ? Analysis of recent reform.
Com-Ruelle L., Dourgnon P., Paris V., Eurohealth, 2006, vol.12, n°1, 17-19.
On LSE site