QES n° 238
L'effet des cancers sur la trajectoire professionnelle.
Barnay T., Ben Halima M.A., Duguet E., Lanfranchi J., Le Clainche C., Regaert C., Sermet C. Co-édition Irdes / Cnam, CEET
QES n° 238
The Impact of Cancer on Employment Outcomes.
Barnay T., Ben Halima M.A., Duguet E., Lanfranchi J., Le Clainche C., Regaert C., Sermet C. Co-edition IRDES / CNAM, CEET
PE n° 2060
Smoking among immigrant groups in metropolitan France: prevalence levels, male-to-female ratios and educational gradients.
Khlat M., Bricard D., Legleye S. BMC Public Health, vol 18: 479, 1-9, 2018/04.
BMC Public Health
DT n° 73
Does an Early Primary Care Follow-up after Discharge Reduce Readmissions for Heart Failure Patients?
Bricard D., Or Z. (Irdes)
PE n° 2053
Impact of multimorbidity on healthcare professional task shifting potential in patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care: a French cross-sectional study.
Supper I., Bourgueil Y., Ecochard R., Letrilliart L. BMJ Open, 2017/11, vol 7, n° 11, 1-11.
QES n° 228
The Heterogeneity of Hospitalisation Admission for Depression is Linked to Prior Healthcare.
Nestrigue C., Coldefy M., Mousquès J. (IRDES) In collaboration with Daniel F. (ISPED, IRDES), Younès N. (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin, IRDES)
PE n° 2049
Smoking inequalities in France and the United States / Inégalités sociales de tabagisme en France et aux Etats-Unis.
Pampel F., Bricard D., Khlat M., Legleye S., IUSSP's online news magazine, 27/11/2017, 1-4.
The State of Public Health in France and Risk Factors
Preliminary Results of the 2014 European Health Interview Survey - The Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey (EHIS-ESPS 2014)
Pisarik J. (DREES), Rochereau T. (IRDES), In collaboration with Célant N. (IRDES)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 223. 2017/03
Frailty, polypharmacy, and potentially inappropriate medications in old people: findings in a representative sample of the French population.
Herr M., Sirven N., Grondin H., Pichetti S., Sermet C., European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, In line: 11/06/2017, 1 -8.
On link.springer.com site
Changes in Smoking Behavior over Family Transitions: Evidence for Anticipation and Adaptation Effects.
Bricard D., Legleye S., Khlat M. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol 14, n° 6, 2017/06, 1-10.
On mdpi site
Life Course Changes in Smoking by Gender and Education: A Cohort Comparison Across France and the United States.
Pampel F.C., Bricard D., Khlat M., Legleye S., Population Research and Policy Review, Online: 09 January 2017, 2017/06, vol 36, Issue 3, 309-330.
(Catégorie 4 - CNRS 2016/05) - (Cat. C - Hcérès 2017/01)
On Springer Link site
Disadvantaged Social Groups and the Cigarette Epidemic: Limits of the Diffusion of Innovations Vision.
Khlat M., Pampel F., Bricard D., Legleye S. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016, 13(12), 1230.
On mdpi site
The Effects of Breast Cancer on Individual Labour Market Outcomes: An Evaluation from an Administrative Panel.
Barnay T., Ben Halima M.A., Duguet E., Le Clainche C., Regaert C., Paris : Fédération TEPP - CNRS, TEPP working paper, n°2016-05, 2016/09, 28 p.
On Tepp site
Ageing, Frailty and Health Care Expenditures
Sirven N. (Liraes (EA 4470) Université Paris Descartes, Irdes), in collaboration with Rapp T. (Liraes (EA 4470) Université Paris Descartes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 216. 2016/03.
Voluntary Health Insurance in Europe: Role and Regulation.
Sagan A., Thomson S. (Eds), with the contribution of Perronnin M., Observatory Studies Series ; 43. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2016, 122 p.
On euro.who.int site
Chevreul K., Berg Brigham K., Perronnin M. in Voluntary Health Insurance in Europe: Country Experience, Sagan A., Thomson S. (Eds), Observatory Studies Series ; 42. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, Chapter 11, 2016, 51-56.
On euro.who.int site
Measuring Polypharmacy in the Elderly: Impact of the Method on Prevalence and Therapeutic Classes
Le Cossec C. (Irdes), Sermet C. (Irdes), in collaboration with Perronnin M. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 213. 2015/10.
Variation in Rates of Breast Cancer Surgery: A National Analysis Based on French Hospital Episode Statistics.
Rococo E., Mazouni C., Or Z., Mobillion V., Koon Sun Pat M., Bonastre J., European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO), vol 42, n° 1, 2016/01, 51-58.
On ejso site
Medical Practice Variations in Mental Health and Addictions Care.
Lin E., Or Z., Coldefy M., Urbanoski K., Seitz D., Carlisle C., Szatmari P., Kurdyak P. In Medical Practice Variations, Johnson A., Stukel T. (Eds), Health Services Research (Coll.), New York : Springer-Verlag, on line, 2015/07, 1-41.
On springer link site
Variable Care Modalities for Schizophrenic Disorders in Health Care Facilities in 2011
Coldefy M., Nestrigue C. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 206. 2015/02.
Effect of a French Experiment of Team Work between General Practitioners and Nurses on Efficacy and Cost of Type 2 Diabetes Patients Care
Mousquès J., Bourgueil Y., Le Fur P., Yilmaz E.
Working paper n° 29. 2010/01