Jourdain A., Brechat P.H.
Rennes : Presses de l'EHESP : 2012 : 252 p.
La décentralisation des politiques sociales et la déconcentration des programmes de santé ont généré un modèle de planification par plans et schémas qui s'est étendu progressivement à tout le champ sanitaire et social : de l'hôpital à la prévention en passant par l'urgence sociale et la gérontologie. Les avantages de ce modèle sont nombreux : il s'intéresse aux besoins de la population, il a le souci de l'efficience économique, sa démarche est rationnelle et volontariste, il favorise la transversalité de l'action ainsi que le renforcement de la coordination entre acteurs et institutions. Ses applications ne vont pourtant pas sans difficultés. La multiplication des schémas ne conduit-elle pas irrémédiablement à un éparpillement de l'action ? Comment améliorer par exemple la cohérence entre plan gérontologique, schéma hospitalier d'organisation des soins et plan régional de santé publique ? Comment construire un continuum d'offres sociales, médico-sociales, de soins et de prévention par priorités, comme la prise en charge des besoins des personnes âgées ? Le temps est donc venu d'interroger la genèse de ce type d'action publique et les formes qu'elle emprunte aujourd'hui, en repartant de quelques questions fondamentales : pourquoi planifier ? comment ? pour quoi faire ? Les réponses des auteurs - issus du milieu académique, des services de l'Etat, du management d'établissement et du-secteur associatif - empruntent aux disciplines fondamentales (économie, sociologie, gestion...) et à l'analyse des pratiques des différents secteurs : social, personnes âgées, psychiatrie, hôpital, prévention (4e de couverture).
Penaud P., Amghar Y.G., Bourdais J.F., Dupays S., Laloue F., Leost H., Moleux M.
Paris : Presses de Sciences Po ; Paris : Dalloz : 2011 : 756 p.
Couvrant un champ très large qui touche à la fois la santé, la protection sociale, le travail, l'emploi et la formation professionnelle, les politiques sociales répondent à des enjeux majeurs. Elles influent sur les conditions de vie de nos concitoyens, mais elles ont aussi un impact politique, économique et financier puisque ce secteur pèse près de 600 milliards d'euros. Ce manuel présente un panorama complet de ces politiques ainsi que des institutions qui les mettent en œuvre. Il comporte à la fois des chapitres transversaux (financement, Europe sociale, etc.) et des chapitres thématiques, qui abordent l'ensemble des politiques publiques et les problématiques qui les concernent. Issu d'enseignements délivrés dans les principales préparations à l'Ecole nationale d'administration (ENA), à l'Ecole nationale de sécurité sociale (EeN3S) et à l'Ecole des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP°, nourri des expériences d'auteurs ayant tous une pratique de terrain (4e de couverture).
Viriot-Durandal J.P. / dir., Pihet C. / dir., Chapon P.M.
Paris : La documentation française : 2012 : 183 p.
Cet ouvrage propose un ensemble de réflexions sur l'adaptation de l'environnement physique et social au vieillissement de la population. Son intérêt réside dans la pluridisciplinarité des angles d'analyse développés sur les territoires de vie. Les auteurs proposent une série de réflexions originales sur les territoires à partir des pratiques spatiales et sociales des personnes âgées. Ils livrent également un regard critique sur les interactions plus ou moins abouties entre ces publics et les interfaces politiques, administratives, sociales et économiques sensées répondre à leurs besoins. Il invite enfin, en troisième partie, à un dialogue constructif, en ouvrant de manière originale un débat avec des acteurs opérationnels publics et privés, premiers concernés par l'organisation des espaces, des réseaux et des territoires gérontologiques (4e de couverture).
Dupuy O.
Paris : Heures de France : 2011 : 216 p.
Depuis le 1er août 2011, les règles régissant la prise en charge des personnes atteintes de troubles psychiques ont été considérablement modifiées. Désormais, les notions d'« hospitalisation à la demande d'un tiers », d'« hospitalisation d'office » ou de « sortie d'essai » sont obsolètes. La loi du 5 juillet 2011 introduit d'importantes innovations : création d'une période d'observation et de soins de 72 heures, d'un dispositif de prise en charge « en cas de péril imminent », d'un programme de soins et d'un contrôle judiciaire obligatoire après 15 jours d'hospitalisation sans consentement. Quels sont les droits et les garanties auxquels tout citoyen soumis à une mesure de soins psychiatriques peut aujourd'hui prétendre ? Quelles sont les règles qui régissent la prise en charge des patients souffrant de troubles mentaux ? Le présent ouvrage a pour objet de présenter ce nouveau cadre juridique de façon précise, complète, argumentée, formulé dans un langage accessible à tous. Il vise à permettre de repérer les apports d'une réforme que les pouvoirs publics qualifient eux-mêmes de complexe et d'en expliquer les motivations. Ce livre se présente comme l'indispensable support de référence non seulement des professionnels exerçant dans le champ de la santé mentale, mais aussi de tout citoyen intéressé par le sujet (4e de couverture).
Autier J.L.
Carnac : les éditions du Menhir : 2012 : 458 p.
Depuis le dispositif antérieur à la loi "fondatrice" du 30 juin 1838 jusqu'à la récente loi de réforme psychiatrique du 5 juillet 2011, la vision du législateur sur la condition de la personne en situation d'hospitalisation psychiatrique contrainte a beaucoup changé. A l'appui de la jurisprudence, l'auteur démontre que cette conception, à l'origine fondée sur le maintien de l'ordre public, et dans laquelle il s'agissait de se prémunir contre l'aliéné, a évolué vers la volonté de protéger le patient lui-même. Le droit français a dès lors offert un haut niveau de garantie aux droits de la personne hospitalisée sans son consentement. Cependant, à la suite de rapports et à la faveur d'événements dramatiques largement médiatisés, lors desquels le législateur s'est penché sur l'irresponsabilité pénale des malades mentaux, un nouveau dispositif s'est mis en place, qui tend à un contrôle social du patient par la voie sanitaire, dont l'étude démontre qu'il peut devenir un objet de menaces pour les libertés individuelles (4e de couverture).
Saias T. / dir
Paris : Dunod : 2011 : 230 p.
La psychologie communautaire est une discipline psychologique nouvelle, qui s'est récemment formalisée en France, au carrefour de la psychologie sociale et de la psychologie de la santé. L'objectif de cet ouvrage est de rassembler les différentes pratiques des psychologues pour mettre en évidence les éléments centraux permettant aux professionnels de passer d'une logique centrée sur l'individu à une logique collective et de territoire (4e de couverture).
Pawson R.
Londres : Sage : 2011 : 11 p.+196 p.
Author Ray Pawson presents a devastating critique of the dominant approach to systematic review - namely the 'meta-analytic' approach as sponsored by the Cochrane and Campbell collaborations. In its place is commended an approach that he terms 'realist synthesis'. On this vision, the real purpose of systematic review is better to understand program theory, so that policies can be properly targeted and developed to counter an ever-changing landscape of social problems (4e de couverture).
Marsden P.V., / éd., Wright J.D. / éd
Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing Company : 2010 : 14 p.+ 886 p.
This book is divided into three parts. Part 1 provides a general background for what follows; it includes both a discussion of the substantive importance of dynamic analyses is sociology and a review of models and methods previously used by sociologists interested in the empirical study of social dynamics. Part 2 contains eight chapters on models and methods for analyzing change in qualitative outcomes; it concentrates mainly on methods based on analyses of event-history data. Part 3 contains six chapters on comparable models and methods for analyzing change in quantitative outcomes; it focuses primarily on methods based on analysis of panel data.
Site de la direction des risques professionnels de la CNAMTS. Il propose des données statistiques sur les AT-MP, ainsi qu'une description détaillée du dispositif AT-MP. Il offre la possibilité d'obtenir par moteur de recherche les statistiques détaillées sur la sinistralité 2010 selon le risque (accident du travail, de trajet et maladie professionnelle) à partir du numéro de risque ou du code APE-NAF de l'entreprise.
Destiné prioritairement aux médecins libéraux, ce site vise un double objectif : mieux connaître les maladies professionnelles et les situations à risque afin de mieux les prévenir ; améliorer la déclaration des maladies professionnelles et donc garantir un bon niveau de prise en charge aux assurés sociaux. Ce site se veut un outil d'aide pour les médecins libéraux. Se trouvent ainsi présentés : définitions, documentation, certificats de déclaration en téléchargement, formalités, aspect juridique, formation, contacts, liens et adresses utiles.
Ce Portail, crée par l'Invs et ses partenaires, propose en ligne plusieurs outils d'aide à l'évaluation des expositions professionnelles à destination des professionnels concernés par prévention et la surveillance des risques professionnels.
Pour chacun de ces outils, Exp-Pro apporte des informations complémentaires (rapport, guides techniques...) et propose un mode d'emploi pour les différentes consultations.
Ce site de l'Observatoire régional de la santé Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur est destiné aux médecins généralistes pour les sensibiliser aux risques de maladies professionnelles. Il propose des fiches répertoriant les principaux métiers à risque (en priorité pour les maladies graves ou fréquentes), associées à un index de mots-clés ; liste les aides à proposer au patient en cas de problème lié au travail ; offre un guide pratique pour la déclaration de maladies professionnelles et le maintien dans l'emploi. Il expose également la réglementation en cours en matière de suivi post-professionnel.
Barnay T., Damette O.
Paris : TEPP : 2012 : 30 p.
Using the French annual database (1950-2009), we conducted a time-series analysis to explain the role of GDP per capita on HCE (Health Care Expenditure) per capita taking into account structural breaks and non-linearity in the long-term economic relationship between HCE and GDP, controlling for price effect, population ageing, innovation proxy and medical density. We show that the non-linearity of the long-run relationship between HCE and GDP comes from both the presence of a structural break and non-linearity explained by a transition variable (by constructing a smooth transition cointegrating regression). More precisely, lower GDP elasticity is explained by an exogenous shock linked to health system policies in the mid 1980's (break analysis) and endogenously driven changes in the health care system via medical density in France.
Alesci L., Hosseini R., Jones L.E.
Cambridge : NBER : 2012/03 : 64 p.
This paper studies the efficient allocation of health resources across individuals. It focuses on the relation between health resources and income (taken as a proxy for productivity). In particular it determines the efficient level of the health care social safety net for the indigent. It assumes that individuals have different life cycle profiles of productivity. Health care increases survival probability. It adopts the classical approach of welfare economics by considering how a central planner with an egalitarian (ex-ante) perspective would allocate resources. It shows that, under the efficient allocation, health care spending increases with labor productivity, but only during the working years. Post retirement, everyone would get the same health care. Quantitatively, it finds that the amount of inequality across the income distribution in the data is larger that what would be justified solely on the basis of production efficiency, but not drastically so. As a rough summary, in U.S. data top to bottom spending ratios are about 1.5 for most of the life cycle. Efficiency implies a decline from about 2 (at age 25) to 1 at retirement. It finds larger inefficiencies in the lower part of the income distribution and in post retirement ages.
Doyle J.J., Graves J.A., Gruber J., et al.
Cambridge : NBER : 2012/03 : 44 p.
Endogenous patient sorting across hospitals can confound performance comparisons. This paper provides a new lens to compare hospital performance for emergency patients: plausibly exogenous variation in ambulance-company assignment. Ambulances are effectively randomly assigned to patients in the same area based on rotational dispatch mechanisms. Using Medicare data from 2002-2008, we show that ambulance company assignment importantly affects hospital choice for patients in the same zip code. Using data for New York state from 2000-2006 that matches exact patient addresses to hospital discharge records, it shows that patients who live very near each other but on either side of ambulance-dispatch boundaries go to different types of hospitals. Both strategies show that higher-cost hospitals have significantly lower one-year mortality rates compared to lower-cost hospitals. It finds that common indicators of hospital quality, such as indicators for "appropriate care" for heart attacks, are generally not associated with better patient outcomes. On the other hand, it finds that measures of "leading edge" hospitals, such as teaching hospitals and hospitals that quickly adopt the latest technologies, are associated with better outcomes, but have little impact on the estimated mortality-hospital cost relationship. It also finds that hospital procedure intensity is a key determinant of the mortality-cost relationship, suggesting that treatment intensity, and not differences in quality reflected in prices, drives much of our findings. The evidence also suggests that there are diminishing returns to hospital spending and treatment intensity.
Brekke K., Siciliani L., Straume O.
Braga : NIPE : 2011/12 : 26 p.
This article studies the incentives for hospitals to provide quality and expend cost-reducing effort when their budgets are soft, i.e., the payer may cover deficits or confiscate surpluses. The basic set up is a Hotelling model with two hospitals that differ in location and face demand uncertainty, where the hospitals run deficits (surpluses) in the high (low) demand state. Softer budgets reduce cost efficiency, while the effect on quality is ambiguous. For given cost efficiency, softer budgets increase quality since parts of the expenditures may be covered by the payer. However, softer budgets reduce cost-reducing effort and the profit margin, which in turn weakens quality incentives. We also find that profit confiscation reduces quality and cost-reducing effort. First best is achieved by a strict no-bailout and no-profit-confiscation policy when the regulated price is optimally set. However, for suboptimal prices a more lenient bai lout policy can be welfare improving.
Meghir C., Palme M., Simeonova E.
Cambridge : NBER : 2012/03 : 55 p.
This paper studies the effect of a compulsory education reform in Sweden on adult health and mortality. The reform was implemented by municipalities between 1949 and 1962 as a social experiment and implied an extension of compulsory schooling from 7 or 8 years depending on municipality to 9 years nationally. It uses detailed individual data on education, hospitalizations, labor force participation and mortality for Swedes born between 1946 and 1957. Individual level data allow us to study the effect of the education reform on three main groups of outcomes: (i) mortality until age 60 for different causes of death; (ii) hospitalization by cause and (iii) exit from the labor force primarily through the disability insurance program. The results show reduced male mortality up to age fifty for those assigned to the reform, but these gains were erased by increased mortality later on. It finds similar patterns in the probability of being hospitalized and the average costs of inpatient care. Men who acquired more education due to the reform are less likely to retire early.
Towse A., Garrison L.P., Puig-Peiro R.
London : OHE : 2012/02 : 14 p.
Interest is growing in schemes that involve “paying for pills by results”, that is, “paying for performance” rather than merely “paying for pills”. Despite its intuitive appeal, this approach is highly controversial and is disliked by many health care providers, policy makers, and pharmaceutical companies. In this paper, the authors define pay-for-performance and the related terms used in discussions about such schemes; set out a framework for understanding and interpreting them; explore existing schemes, providing examples; discuss the benefits and weaknesses of such schemes; and consider their value as an incentive for innovation. In the literature to date, the authors note, identified benefits are countered by significant costs and challenges. As a result, the overall balance remains unclear, despite strong opinions regarding one specific scheme (the UK's risk sharing scheme for multiple sclerosis drugs). They find that sentiment is strong against outcomes based schemes. Two related problems are identified by the authors as being behind the hesitation to make use of pay-for-performance schemes. The first is a tendency to focus on the negatives of experience to date, despite the lack of good evidence; the second is the predominance of rather naïve views about the feasibility of the alternatives. Rewarding those products that do deliver performance (in the form of health gain and other benefits) is very important in stimulating innovation. The authors conclude that “pay-for-performance” offers an important way forward to both handle uncertainty around expected value in routine clinical practice and provide the rewards essential for continued innovation.
NGuyen T., Rohlf K.
Lahr : Wissenschaftliche Hochschule : 2012 : 15 p.
In this essay, the authors have modified a model from the literature about the monopoly quality in order to explain different drug provision decisions of the European states. They analyze particularly the effects of different population sizes as well as per capita incomes in a two country model. It turns out that different drug prices are not necessarily a proof for an inefficient provision in the examined countries. It can rather be efficient from the pan-European point of view that high-income countries grant in-creased subsidies in order to make the provision of innovative drugs possible for the low-income, new countries of the EU. Contrary to the intention of its introduction, a European system of reference prices or parallel imports do not increase the welfare but lead rather to a lower efficiency of the supply with innovative drugs.
Drummond M.
York : University of York : 2012/02 : 16 p.
The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of economic evaluation on the reimbursement process for pharmaceuticals. Before the introduction of economic evaluation, a range of arrangements existed across different jurisdictions, varying from reimbursement based on clinical criteria alone and price controls, to a total absence of controls over price or reimbursement. The changes in the structure of reimbursement policies necessary to incorporate economic evaluation have been accomplished without major difficulty in most jurisdictions. However, several methodological differences in international guidelines for economic evaluation exist, only some of which can easily be justified. A number of beneficial changes in reimbursement processes have also been observed, such as a trend towards requiring the measurement of more meaningful clinical endpoints and increased engagement between manufacturers, drug regulators and payers. A consistent finding in studies of reimbursement decisions is that economic considerations have been influential, second only to the strength of the clinical evidence for the drug of interest. The impact of economic evaluation on the allocation of healthcare resources is hard to ascertain because of the difficulties in specifying the counterfactual and the fact that little is known about the extent to which reimbursement decisions actually lead to changes in healthcare practice. However, there is evidence that economic evaluation has assisted price negotiations and enabled reimbursement agencies to target drugs to those patients who will benefit the most. In publicly financed healthcare systems, an evidence-based system of pricing and reimbursement for drugs, considering societal willingness-topay, is a reasonable policy objective to pursue.
Hackl F., Halla M., Hummer M., et al.
Bonn : IZA : 2012/02 : 34 p.
Using a matched insurant-general practitioner panel data set, we estimated the effect of a general health-screening program on individuals' health status and health care cost. To account for selection into treatment, we used regional variations in the intensity of exposure to supply-determined screening recommendations as an instrumental variable. We found that screening participation substantially increased inpatient and outpatient health care costs for up to two years after treatment. In the medium term, we found cost savings in the outpatient sector, whereas in the long run, no statistically significant effects of screening on either health care cost component could be discerned. In summary, screening participation increases health care costs. Since we did not find any statistically significant effect of screening participation on insurants' health status at any point in time, we do not recommend a general health-screening program. However, given that we found some evidence for cost-saving potentials for the sub-sample of younger insurants, we suggest more targeted screening programs.
Douven R., Mocking R.
Utrecht : NZA: 2012 : 52 p.
This working paper uses a panel data set of about 1.7 million hospital records in 4,000 Dutch zip code regions for the years 2006-2009. Its estimates the effect of physician fees and physician density on regional variation in hospital care for nine different treatments. The results show that a 1 percent increase in the total number of physicians, if these extra physicians are all paid according to an output-based reimbursement scheme, would increase the number of treatments on average by 0.40 percent. For salaried physicians we find a significantly lower average effect of 0.15 percent. We find no or weak effects for hip fractures, which is included in the analysis as a control treatment. Our data allows us to deal with reverse causality, excess demand, border crossing, and availability effects. The findings lend support to the existence of supplier induced demand for the majority of the analyzed treatments.
Mhurley J., Jama T., Grignon M. et al.
Hamilton : McMaster Research Data Centre : 2011 : 35 p.
This study builds on the work of Allin, Grignon, and Le Grand (2008) to investigate the relationship between self-reported unmet need and a variety of measures of health care utilization. It exploits a linked Ontario Canadian Community Health Survey-administrative data that includes individual-level information on self-reported unmet needs and a person's actual use of physician and hospital services, which permits a number of improvements over existing research. It measures utilization using the dollar value of services received, which: provides a more accurate measure of volume of care obtained (because it is not subject to recall error and because it adjusts for the nature of the services received); allows us to combine general practitioner, specialist physician services and hospital services to examine the relationship between unmet need and total service use; and allows us to study both inpatient services and day procedures, the latter of which constitute an increasing proportion of hospital utilization (CIHI 2007).
Grignon M.
Hamilton : McMaster University : 2012/01 : 22 p.
Real reforms attempt to change how health care is financed and how it is rationed. Three main explanations have been offered for why such reforms are so difficult: institutional gridlock, path dependency and societal preferences. The latter posits that choices made regarding the health care system in a given country reflect the broader societal set of values in that country and that, as a result, public resistance to real reform may more accurately reflect citizens' personal convictions, self-interest or even active social choices. “Conscientious objectors” may do more to derail reform than previously recognized.
Costa-Font J., Zigante V.
London : London School of Economics and Political Science : 2012/01 : 30 p.
Are choice and competition reforms only a route to improving economic efficiency or, do other goals buttress the so-called choice agenda? We here examine evidence of alternative explanations for drivers of choice reforms. More specifically, we explore whether there is evidence consistent with political incumbents' aspirations to satisfy middle (median) classes (voters), alongside providers capture and service modernisation agendas as potential drivers. We concentrate on health care sector reforms given its central role as a reference universal welfare service - and focus on eight European countries where there has been heterogeneous experimentation with choice and competition reforms. Our findings suggest that whilst competition and choice reforms are primarily driven by the attainment of micro-efficiency and modernisation goals, middle class politics and to a some extent provider interests, appear to also prompt choice reforms. Hence, we conclude that allocative efficiency is not the sole driver of choice reforms.
Bojke C., Castelli A., Goudie R., et al.
York : University of York : 2012/03 : 45 p.
The objectives of this research is to estimate output, input and productivity growth for the English NHS for the period 2003/4 to 2009/10 using the most detailed and comprehensive information at its disposal. It reveals that the productivity of the NHS in England has been broadly constant over the last seven years, increasing by an average of 0.1 per cent per year. The research shows that between 2003/4 to 2009/10 the number of staff has increased by 18 per cent, buildings and equipment by 24 per cent and all other inputs, such as clinical supplies and energy costs, by 76 per cent. There has also been a corresponding increase in both the quantity and quality of output. The number of patients treated in hospital increased from 12.1m to 15.6m; outpatient attendances from 50m to 77m; community care contacts from 76m to 92m; and primary care consultations from 262m to 300m. Over the same period, hospital survival rates improved from 99.4 per cent to 99.8 per cent for elective patients and from 95 per cent to 96 per cent for non-electives. Average inpatient waiting times fell from 78 to 57 days, reaching a low of 51 days in 2008/9. Outpatient waiting times fell from 58 days to 24 days. All in all, growth in activity and changes in quality have tracked the growth in inputs, implying that productivity has been flat over the seven year period.